My lamps are evil. I am not sure which one is instigating the revolt but I will smite him or her.
I started to listen to NIN to remind me of all those other times I hurt myself and that somehow I am still here. Now I am not too depressed just incredibly manic.
Which would work out in my favour I've had stuff to be done piling up for awhile now.
People are coming over soon for our all dessert dinner party. I am not sure how I feel about this. I am all volatile...I am not going to take the time to look the spelling up. Finally tonight I get to watch my new Nightmare Before Christmas DVD. If I just had batteries for my remote I could actually see the special features.
I have a new favourite song Queen of the World by Claudette. And I am the Queen of the world so I am gonna do whatever I want. Which is sabotage the evil lamps take over of my living room.
Is manic better than depressive? Find out next time while I bitch and moan about my life of doing nothing.

I started to listen to NIN to remind me of all those other times I hurt myself and that somehow I am still here. Now I am not too depressed just incredibly manic.
Which would work out in my favour I've had stuff to be done piling up for awhile now.
People are coming over soon for our all dessert dinner party. I am not sure how I feel about this. I am all volatile...I am not going to take the time to look the spelling up. Finally tonight I get to watch my new Nightmare Before Christmas DVD. If I just had batteries for my remote I could actually see the special features.
I have a new favourite song Queen of the World by Claudette. And I am the Queen of the world so I am gonna do whatever I want. Which is sabotage the evil lamps take over of my living room.
Is manic better than depressive? Find out next time while I bitch and moan about my life of doing nothing.
I preferred my ex when she was manic, but by God she could spend some money.
As to the lamps, turn them off at the wall and see how fucking clever they are then
PS If the guy in the photo is the father, Hope for everyons sake, the baby takes after you
[Edited on Dec 11, 2003 6:24AM]
Saw Jeff last night at a show. He says "HI" and is planning to visit you and Jarrod in January. Maybe you could find a deli, and he'll buy you lunch? hehe. ok. Im done.
LuvLuvs, ~A