I want to be happy and somehow it seems I obligated to a string of annoyances. I can't communicate. There seems no way out, it seems that I can't hide. That from each knot I try to untangle myself it infects me. I paint myself happy looking colours just so it keeps everyone else pacified and content. I need to be alone. I am tired of being in peices. A storm is growing. It'd be so simple to just say I don't like you leave me alone. Why am I so unimportant? I don't want to hurt you. But I can't take anymore.
I hate Christmas, it seems I spend it with everyone yelling at me. The presents don't even make it all worthwhile anymore. And to secular me its all a song and dance for presents. For dolphin inscense burners, perfumed soaps that give me hives, shirts that are at least 4 sizes too small. To be surrounded by people who care less for me than I care for them.
I like cranberry sauce and the smell of christmas trees.
I am in a bad mood. Jarrod took me to his parents house and wouldn't leave until he was good and ready. Sure his neice was there but that excuse doesn't work anymore, we live five minutes away now not three hours anymore.
I swear if I have to put up with any more of this crap, everyone is gonna hear my opinion if they want to or not. I am sure I'll scream and become totally incoherent, looklike a fucking mad woman. Embarass myself. But it'd be worth it. It'd be so worth it to tell you to fuck off.
I hate Christmas, it seems I spend it with everyone yelling at me. The presents don't even make it all worthwhile anymore. And to secular me its all a song and dance for presents. For dolphin inscense burners, perfumed soaps that give me hives, shirts that are at least 4 sizes too small. To be surrounded by people who care less for me than I care for them.
I like cranberry sauce and the smell of christmas trees.
I am in a bad mood. Jarrod took me to his parents house and wouldn't leave until he was good and ready. Sure his neice was there but that excuse doesn't work anymore, we live five minutes away now not three hours anymore.
I swear if I have to put up with any more of this crap, everyone is gonna hear my opinion if they want to or not. I am sure I'll scream and become totally incoherent, looklike a fucking mad woman. Embarass myself. But it'd be worth it. It'd be so worth it to tell you to fuck off.
christmas trees have a great smell, one of my favorites

we are all entitled to blowing up. god i can be a raging bitch to my best friend. we yelled at each other for a whole hour in the car last night. but it is a mutual love hate relationship so i figure i am only part responsible.