I move in two days!
I've spent the day alone, I did visit the guy at the cornerstore, he said he'd miss me.
Well not everyone is willing to pay three bucks for a shaker of pepper.
And I swear Pluto is going retrograde right now, because I am reliving some nasty grudges. Hmm, maybe not. I guess they were just suppressed so everyone else can just go along their merry way.
But my gramma has been dying, for the last five years, so who I am to say that I would like to pick the menu of my own wedding or the location for that matter. I mean who wouldn't want to be served meat when you are vegetarian in a hall that is only used as a SOUP KITCHEN!!! I am now pretending that wasn't my reception that was just some weird party I happened upon after I was married.
And just because my dad's dad would drive drunk, doesn't mean I have to put up with him driving drunk. Or the fact that he was abused means that since I was I shouldn't do anything about it because well he didn't. Even though I know for a fact that man abused countless other children. Why do anything at all? If he is still alive I wouldn't doubt he was doing it to other children.
Yah, okay I spent the day watching talkshows. Watching other brave people. I've heard that I am strong for everything that I've been through. But I don't think that I am, I just put up with everything. Like I am a doormat. I am not even in one peice. I don't value that and I think I pity the people that do.
I am way to introverted. I can't wait to go back to work, to walk longer than five minutes, go a week without puking, or an hour without peeing. I NEED TO GET OUT! get out of the house and so many different things.
I don't think I ever knew what I wanted. That I put up with so many unhappy situations cause I didn't know anything else. What do I want anyway, simple things, to be carefree, independent, ignorant/innocent, accepting/forgiving, able to look forward or at least into the here and now, an end to the situations I had no control over as a child, willing to grow up, live to my own expectations not others. And to maybe realize I am not the gloom and doom that is around me.
I feel like that I am all gloomy and dismal. Especially here, but I don't talk about this stuff with people I know, they think I should be over what happened ten years ago, or that my gloom taints their perfect world so they just don't want to hear it. And maybe I don't need to tell people, I think I need to tell myself. I need to pay attention to myself.
I also have to add how negatively people react to change. I am making postive changes for myself and it really pisses people off. But how else would they react when I was so willing just to go along with everything before.
I move in two days! I see the baby in fourteen weeks!!! I get lots and lots of presents, for the baby, but still presents! I see my grandpa when I move and he loves me! My cat loves me or at least I pretend he does! Jarrod loves me!
and we are all going to die...
I've spent the day alone, I did visit the guy at the cornerstore, he said he'd miss me.

And I swear Pluto is going retrograde right now, because I am reliving some nasty grudges. Hmm, maybe not. I guess they were just suppressed so everyone else can just go along their merry way.
But my gramma has been dying, for the last five years, so who I am to say that I would like to pick the menu of my own wedding or the location for that matter. I mean who wouldn't want to be served meat when you are vegetarian in a hall that is only used as a SOUP KITCHEN!!! I am now pretending that wasn't my reception that was just some weird party I happened upon after I was married.
And just because my dad's dad would drive drunk, doesn't mean I have to put up with him driving drunk. Or the fact that he was abused means that since I was I shouldn't do anything about it because well he didn't. Even though I know for a fact that man abused countless other children. Why do anything at all? If he is still alive I wouldn't doubt he was doing it to other children.
Yah, okay I spent the day watching talkshows. Watching other brave people. I've heard that I am strong for everything that I've been through. But I don't think that I am, I just put up with everything. Like I am a doormat. I am not even in one peice. I don't value that and I think I pity the people that do.
I am way to introverted. I can't wait to go back to work, to walk longer than five minutes, go a week without puking, or an hour without peeing. I NEED TO GET OUT! get out of the house and so many different things.
I don't think I ever knew what I wanted. That I put up with so many unhappy situations cause I didn't know anything else. What do I want anyway, simple things, to be carefree, independent, ignorant/innocent, accepting/forgiving, able to look forward or at least into the here and now, an end to the situations I had no control over as a child, willing to grow up, live to my own expectations not others. And to maybe realize I am not the gloom and doom that is around me.
I feel like that I am all gloomy and dismal. Especially here, but I don't talk about this stuff with people I know, they think I should be over what happened ten years ago, or that my gloom taints their perfect world so they just don't want to hear it. And maybe I don't need to tell people, I think I need to tell myself. I need to pay attention to myself.
I also have to add how negatively people react to change. I am making postive changes for myself and it really pisses people off. But how else would they react when I was so willing just to go along with everything before.

and we are all going to die...

Anyhow, if you need to get out of Nanaimo any time, we can get together, cause lord knows, you are GOING to want to get out of Nanaimo.
One more day eh?
I make a point of not really ever going up island... unless to camp. There is too much bush up there