All I want to do is sleep. All I want to do is sleep. Jarrod buy me a bigger bed before I have to hurt you. Beware of the lip balm. I think that was supposed to be funny but how would I know I only sleep two hours. Buy me a milkshake and I'll forgive you. I HOPE YOU GET GRAVEYARD SHIFT!!! Cause I about to kick you out of my bed. I am so tired I laughing for no real reason, other than I have to go pee. But I don't know why that's funny. Maybe I sleep with Bub in that pile of books, sometimes he lets me use him as a pillow if I let him bite me on the head. I use to try to sleep in the bathroom when I was younger. I don't know why I also was incredibly phobic of bathrooms then. I move in four days! I get my own washer and dryer, I don't really know why that's exciting. But lately I've been oogling vaccum cleaners. I am being forced to live with a long hair barfy cat, Bub, so a vaccum cleaner is uh good. hahahaha I am so tired. Its 530 so I don't think I know anyone who is awake right now. Just me and my cat. Why did I pack everything, I have nothing left but dishes and a sick computer.
i am a polka dot
polka polka dot
i am round and happy
i am complete and sound
i am round and happy
i am a polka dot
polka dot
i am a polka dot
polka polka dot
i am round and happy
i am complete and sound
i am round and happy
i am a polka dot
polka dot
And really, you have met me, sort of. You've met Fjola, right?
Imagine Fjola but slightly more annoying and slightly less cute, but still as neurotic and you have me.
babies are kinda like weasles..
a bit more noisy
but they get into just as much trouble..
when they become mobile
they are less hairy though..
and umm..smell better..
(babies, not the weasles)
I'm going to school to deliver babies btw
Hope you're getting some sleep..