I've been gone for so long. I've been in good ol' Port Alberni. Which basically means sickening heat and lots of thrift store shopping. Nothing like nice moderately cool Victoria.
O, but I did get to work at my favourite thrift store. Which is very good, because I am no longer a Donut General.
And those damn Visa people won't leave me alone.
Hmm, I have a secret, and I don't feel like telling yet.
I've been gone for so long. I've been in good ol' Port Alberni. Which basically means sickening heat and lots of thrift store shopping. Nothing like nice moderately cool Victoria.
O, but I did get to work at my favourite thrift store. Which is very good, because I am no longer a Donut General.
And those damn Visa people won't leave me alone.
Hmm, I have a secret, and I don't feel like telling yet.

Can I guess at the secret? Will you give me a hint?
EDIT: "hint." With an "i." Yeah. Oh, btw, I saw the Kingpins when they came through town recently. Skankin' good show.
[Edited on Aug 29, 2003]