I've started to argue with my boytoy in my sleep. It make him really angry cause he is wide awake and remembers everything I say.
He told me to pack up my shit and move out by sunday. I say ok. Which is funny since I am bedridden and thus being bedridden have no money cause I can not work at my crappy job. That mind numbing beating head against the wall job.
He can't seem to grasp the idea that since we are together our finances (debts) are all tangled up. It makes him very angry which I think is funny. Ever since I've known him he has a debt. I am brand new visa girl, like brand fucking new. So I should be the one with a chip on my shoulder.
And why am I bothering filling you in on all this, he won't talk to me. And I don't know anyone who would like to listen in this here uh real world.
wait are you listening???
Oh the real kick in the groin is he wants to have his parents co sign a loan to pay off his huge debt and my wee debt. AND I REALLY DON'T LIKE THAT IDEA!!!! But he says no we are doing. Did he just happened to miss that memo which states, Gloomcookie does what she wants no matter how irrational you think it is. His parents are too impressed either, they said they wanted to buy them selves a new truck but decided to help us instead...They also have conditions that we no longer have credit cards, and we cant get anymore tatttoos :S
This just goes way beyond uncool, me no likey this deal at all. I would rather sell everything I own, except my computer and clothes they are nessicities. Seriously, I sell my Vespa, my antiques, my heirlooms. To pay off that stupid Visa I have, that I was doing fine on paying off in the first place.
But then I realize something I am too young for all this bullshit. I don't care if I am a 21 yr old divorcee, thats just the way life is.
It his sorry ass that keeps me from being able to eligible for a student loan, so I work at stupid beating head against the wall job in the first place, can you feel the bitterness. I am like a lime or something I am so bitter.
My new job will be uh hermit, bitterness for hire.
And on top of it all, he doesn't understand depression. He thinks I am just being some whiny goth brat. And! I am just faking being sick so I can become one poor mother fucker.
Nextime I am marrying an old feebble guy with lots of dough....

Fuck this love bullshit...

urgh, i think being bedridden for the last few weeks is really starting to get to me. At least I have the good ol' intertnet again, to fill my hours with endless joy.
its such a mess when love and finaces become entangled...good luck
i feel stupid for being so angry, i miss my happy pills