Wow. I just found out from my doctor that I am not aloud to return to work until April next year. What the hell am I gonna do until then? i guess I get to read a lot, write some, take some pictures...
I now need to apply for EI. I hope they aren't assholes. The thing that sucks about EI is you only get about 55% of your weekly wage you made over the last year. That is gonna suck! I am on bedrest for another week or so, but I am feeling heaps better. I have energy, but I can only move around for a few hours before I am totally wiped. Its craziness. Send me stories to keep me entertained.... PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!
Edited to add...
Fuck, there are some hateful people out there..
check out this link
People are mean
Edited again to add...
I wrote this. What do you think?
Am I a liar?
Call me a liar.
Am I a deceiver?
Could you tell me please?
Do you see what I see?
I though you did.
But maybe I deceived myself
Yet again.
Open up my heart
Let the fucker pour
Let me hang by a string of my own desire
Smack my face
Tell me to stop dreaming
Go away Ill go away
What do you want?
Am I whipped?
I wish I was.
The welts all over
Would be souvenirs.
Your nails in my flesh turn me on
But now what do you do
With my blood on your hands?
Open up my heart
Let the fucker pour
Whip around my neck
Strangle me some more
As I struggle for air
Drink of the bleeding heart
Taste the lust inside
The desire I hide
Ill go away if you ask me to
Ill never speak again if you dont want me to
Brand me SLAVE and tell me what to do.
I now need to apply for EI. I hope they aren't assholes. The thing that sucks about EI is you only get about 55% of your weekly wage you made over the last year. That is gonna suck! I am on bedrest for another week or so, but I am feeling heaps better. I have energy, but I can only move around for a few hours before I am totally wiped. Its craziness. Send me stories to keep me entertained.... PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!

Edited to add...
Fuck, there are some hateful people out there..
check out this link
People are mean
Edited again to add...
I wrote this. What do you think?
Am I a liar?
Call me a liar.
Am I a deceiver?
Could you tell me please?
Do you see what I see?
I though you did.
But maybe I deceived myself
Yet again.
Open up my heart
Let the fucker pour
Let me hang by a string of my own desire
Smack my face
Tell me to stop dreaming
Go away Ill go away
What do you want?
Am I whipped?
I wish I was.
The welts all over
Would be souvenirs.
Your nails in my flesh turn me on
But now what do you do
With my blood on your hands?
Open up my heart
Let the fucker pour
Whip around my neck
Strangle me some more
As I struggle for air
Drink of the bleeding heart
Taste the lust inside
The desire I hide
Ill go away if you ask me to
Ill never speak again if you dont want me to
Brand me SLAVE and tell me what to do.
that is the reason for the year lay-up right?
Has daytime TV really improved? I thought we were still stuck with all the same crappy soaps lol.
Oh, well there is always food network lol... sorry, I love to cook!
Slipknot aren't really my cup of tea.. but i think that song title is a pretty good summary of some of the random fuckbags life throws at you!