Hello All! So its Sunday, and as always, I am torn. It still is officially the weekend, but tomorrow is Monday. So, on one hand, its the last few hours before I have to go back to work (
), but it is also the furthest possible time from this moment next week, so it's good, and bad. Its actually laundry day today, so I'm stoked. I love doing laundry. If I could I would make a living out of it. Not a lot more brings me more joy than laundry. Weird, but true. So I had a pretty decent weekend. Friday, I went out for drinks after work with some co workers, then came home and got stupid high with my man. we don't really do drugs, so it was fun. We slept until 730 Sat night, then ordered pizza. We went to a party at about 10, and Mike got kinda drunk. I didn't because I was driving. So we came home, watched Family Guy, and went to bed. Now, I am off to my moms to do laundry, and Mike has to go to work. How was everyone in SGland's weekend?

I'm quite the opposite, if I could make a living not doing laundry then I would!