So I suck. I totally bailed on my friends and decided not to go to the show. But I seriously could not be fucked to do anything besides have a bath, then watch a movie. Yeah, I'm gonna watch Punch Drunk Love after a super hot bubble bath. mmmmmmmmm......heaven. And I'm gonna eat chocolate. Lots of it. Cadbury mini FAVE! If I could I would live on those. Can't get enough. I only wish I stopped at the liquor store and grabbed a bottle of wine on my way home from work. Now I'm just to lazy to go. Oh well..I think I have some vodka here somewhere......
Big, wet, sloppy kisses to you all.....
Big, wet, sloppy kisses to you all.....

I almost died laughing... and then I cried... because I knew I was not going to be having beer anytime soon since "The Beer Store" was closed lol
wait, you skateboard?
[Edited on Apr 08, 2005 10:19PM]
I always sucked though, but I had a shitload of fun!