Well, today is the first day I must submit to the drudgery of the work force, UGGGGGG. I have had a nice five days off, but alas, I must return. Why must one actually work for a living? I guess if my job wasn't so monotonous, it wouldn't be so bad. I have the lovely title of Admin Assistant/file clerk, which means I file. All day. In the basement of a courthouse. No sun, or air, until my blessed coffee and lunch breaks. At least I get to listen to music on my discman while I work. That makes it go faster. I think a little Elliot to start the morning, then I will move on the some Coheed, then.....Lamb of God to finish up the day. Its gona be a gooder!
I hope everyone has a wicked day filled with cuddles and giggles, and maybe a little spanking here and there. See ya'll soon.

It's been so long since I was last out though.. it must be about 5 years now.
I really like Canada.. the people are fucking ace.. it kind of reminds me of Britain in a way, I don't know how, but it does!