I remember when i was introduced to SG by a friend of mine. I keep saying that I was a fan since it came around in 2001, but come to think of it, my friend introduced me to them by showing me "A Guide to Living". I've been in love ever since!
We were hanging out at his apartment, as we did often, having a little get together and I was the lush of the group... I was quite an alcoholic in those days. I was dealing with a lot of my issues and past traumas and my friend was aware of that as he had been helping me. As some of you may know, hypersexuality is a common side effect of severe trauma; so my friend introduced me to Suicide Girls as a way for me to get into a community full of love, support and advice.
Granted, I had some growing to do yet so I just saw a bunch of gorgeous women, all natural beauties, showing every ounce of themselves and was off to fantasies galore. As I grew over the years I became less focused on sex and more on the substance of one's personality, albeit still obsessed with sex. This was further cemented as I became a member and saw all the comments of love and support with each blog post or pic set or video. That kind of love and support was hard to find for me and having found it here around every corner, it's not something I want to let go of!
Through all the ups and downs, the creepers and supporters, from broke to successful, here's to 20 amazing years of Suicide Girls! Here's to more body positivity, healthy hypersexuality, incredibly talented models and artists, insightful and/or silly blogs, and enough love and support for all!
Thanks again! See ya at the next party!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thank you for being here, you're really awesome! Loved this blog ❤️
Thank you for being so awesome! All the love and support you give is incredible!! Keep kicking ass!! ❤❤❤💋💋🔥🔥🔥🍻