Adjust for inflation and productivity the minimum wage should be around $22.62 an hour. A livable wage is part of the general welfare, something supposedly guaranteed by the constitution ( by that I mean it is in the constitution but it is being ignored). Most of the numbskulls who argue against wage increases fail to understand that wages will rise across the board. So, IF the minimum went up to $15, which wouldn't be enough still, that would be the base scale in which all other wages would be raised from. So, the minimum being $7.25/hr now and someone makes $15/hr now and it gets bumped up to $15/hr for the minimum then how much would their pay get inflated? Enough that they wouldn't be bitching about wage increases, I can tell you. History will also shut you the fuck up if you haven't paid attention to it because costs have raised year after year, quarter after quarter, for decades. Yet in that same amount of time, wages have increased only 7 times from roughly 3.50/hr to 7.25/hr. Yet, congress has increased their wages and benefits numerous times. It's supposed to be 'of, by and for' the people, but it obviously isn't. We are nearing the end of the current 'boom' and about to embark on the most recent 'bust'. After all, idiots don't pay attention to history which is part of the reason why we average a financial crisis every 20 years in this country...
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