As I sit here, I wonder so many things. Why do people care about holidays? How could the imaginary lines that supposedly separate each coupling of day and night bring a significance to existence? Is our measurement of existence, or time, really so important? How could we possibly be so vain to believe that our singular existence on this floating space marble is more important that the other 7.5 billion people, let alone the other trillion different species, inhabiting it?
How can we think that it is understandable to demand people to comprehend and care about us when we dismiss others for doing precisely the same? How could someone think it is only acceptable for them to do something but not for others to do so? How could one claim to possess powers of observation yet only utilize them on others and never themselves? How do we tend to only acknowledge suffering and struggling when we are forced to endure them ourselves? Why must we wait until that moment? Why are we too blind or stubborn to see it before then?
How can people claim to be for something they've never really studied? How can people back such corruption in politics? How can they sit idly by as everything is so blatantly against them? How could they possibly believe obvious lies and fabrications, despite all of the evidence, and still blindly follow? How can one think that it is okay to shun one corruption but endorse another?
Why do we insist that we know everything? How could we possibly be so arrogant to assume that we have the answers when we are still constantly questioning? Why must we demand others listen to us and heed our "advice" despite us being too blind to acknowledge that we hinder more than help? Why do we so easily jump down the throats of the innocent, the suffering and struggling, those in need, yet so quickly defend the guilty, those that perpetuate the problems?
Why do we rationalize doing harmful things to others just for our own slight elevation? Why are we so quick to judge? How can we claim to be right with such biased assumptions? Why do we think that we are so grand when we are the worst species that we have ever observed and recorded? Why don't we admit to ourselves how truly horrible we are as a whole? Why aren't we trying harder to better ourselves? Why is it so much easier to do wrong things? Why do people still belief 'no good deed goes unpunished'? Why do we have life on backwards?
Why do allow those closest to us to hurt us the most? Why are we so quick to rationalize their behavior? Why are we so easily discouraged with ourselves? Why do we allow those to continue to harm us? Why do we accept blame rather than placing it where it belongs? Why do those, who have been proven wrong, reinforce their beliefs and continue to be shitty people?
Why do I sit here looking at this screen regretting this post before I've even posted it? Why do I bother? Why can't I make my brain shut the fuck up? Why do I care so much? Why can't I just fucking die already? Why are people so afraid of death? Why is the obvious and inevitable what worries people the most? Why is fantasy held in higher regard than reality? Why can't we grow the fuck up? Why do we dare think that life is precious when even life doesn't care about life?
Why didn't I place explanations to every inquiry? Why don't I keep rambling? Why not continue?
Why do I think that I'll be understood?
Why do I even bother...