
I agree with Titus. 100%
I remember when I was in High School, two days after my birthday, the Columbine shooting happened. I remember how they talked about blaming music and video games for the atrocity. Always dodging the issue for more money from big corporate donors....  I also remember that a 'friend' of mine at the time thought it would be funny to show up to school wearing a trench coat afterwards. He got suspended. Too many were horrified and even in our tiny little town, no one forgot. All these years later, after so many other countries have already proven gun restriction laws work.... we still have numerous innocent lives being cut short over stupid bullshit..... One is too many.... And our body count seems endless....

I've been intentionally avoiding doing blogs like I used to on here; where I go off on current affairs, juxtaposed with history, trying to inform but mainly just cursing a fuck load. It's taking its toll on me. I've been speaking out against this bullshit for decades now, mainly to friends, random posts online and in political spectrums. Ever since I left social media sites...
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