Ugh i'm over worked....buuuuuuuuuuut i'be purchased a fair few shiz...tutus...ladies boxers (something like that...we wear nder my sorta see through tutu) ummm i cant think of the rest
I'm reading The Da Vinci Code its the fucjking tits! I cant put it down and i find it har to get into books>.< I'm not soecial needs anymore haha
All in all i;m having a great tmw....of course i fucking am...the sun is shine and tasty green is rife
I'm reading The Da Vinci Code its the fucjking tits! I cant put it down and i find it har to get into books>.< I'm not soecial needs anymore haha
All in all i;m having a great tmw....of course i fucking am...the sun is shine and tasty green is rife

thinking of you from far away.