Where the hell did time go?

Turns out i'm fourty-smurfing-two today.

Eh, i guess I don't check in very often.

But I'm heading to Philadelphia this Friday (the 8th) for a full week of delicious work-related conference!


At least the night-times might be fun.
Just got my copy of the Suicide Girls comics bundle.

I'm trying not to plow through them in one sitting, but they sure are tempting!

And how surprised was I to see one of my favorite SG's, AnnaLee gracing the pages!

well, I guess I better get back to episode 2!
... has been playing around with Google+ for a couple of weeks.

There's a lot of strengths to its security/relationship model:

You post something to:
(Public) It's a blog post
(Your Circles) It's a tweet
(Your Customers) It's a corporate newsletter
(Your close friends) It's a private chat
(Your SO) It's a private email

All within the same interface and experience.
Said my final goodbyes to Karl yesterday. It was a beautiful day for it. Blue skies, sunshine, and the roar of hundreds of motorcycles all coming together to escort his body.

Video of the Bike Escort for Karl "Two-Tone" LeRay

Photoset from the Biker gathering

I'm not a "biker" in that I don't affiliate with any group. I've been a rider almost my entire life,...
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Poker run on Saturday was great fun. 35 bikes on the ride -- about 200 miles round trip, and we raise $1000 for the family.

A very successful day for us, and a great cap to memorialize Karl.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Friend of mine: father, tech geek, PR guy, and motorcycle rider.

Died last night. heart attack or stroke. don't have full details.

but shit. He's gone. And he was such a bright happy spirit.

Why do the wrong people go so early?

Ride safe, Karl, wherever your journey takes you now.

I hope you have a good weekend!
It. Is. A. BOY!

This makes happy all around, especially my close friends who are also having a boy very soon, as they will grow up together and play little league and chase women and fast cars...

Well, according to my friend, anyway.

Also, just found out another friend is pregnant and having her baby 10 days before us. So that's crazy, too!
The baby has been conclusively gender identified. But I'm not allowed to tell until Sunday.

T minus 24 weeks and counting!

thank you for such a nice comment to my new set "Digital Love" kiss
Attention! This is a shill!

There's only one more week of "Pump Boys & Dinettes" at Anchorage Community Theatre - we're performing this Wed, Thr, Fri, Sat at 7pm, and Sunday afternoon at 3pm

I play guitar, drums, and sing in this 70's American musical review of life in the rural Carolinas.

We've been selling out, so you'll want to reserve tickets early.

To appeal...
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How in the WORLD did you manage to survive the transition from Hawaii to Alaska? I must know. I barely survive going from summer to winter, and that's just Ohio's summer. Granted, a Great Lakes winter is not exactly mild and creates enough contrast by itself.

Anyway, it's from Fire, which is shamefully the first I'm reading as it's the first I've gotten and I don't have the patience to get the others first. I'm sure I'll pick them up soon and go back in order, because there's enough of the relationships in here that it's clear I'm missing .. worlds. So.

Visceral -- good word, and so accurate. I should use it more. Thanks for the comment.
I wanted to thank you for your comment and support on Parallelism kiss