Printer Frustration
My laptop doesn't have the proper port for the cable to my printer, so I went to Best Buy this morning and picked up a USB converter. This was supposed to make my life easier. It hasn't. I have the printer hooked up to the computer via the USB cable; the cable is in the proper port; the printer has enough paper, toner, and ink; the port works properly; I have no virus that would interfere with printing; then why won't this motherfucker print? What's worse is that it had actually started to print a document, then, in the middle of printing, abruptly stopped and gave me an error message. Now it won't print a damn thing, no matter what I do. It is making me very angry. I'm going to have to run on a treadmill pretty hard to vent a bit, and hope that when I come back the problem will have sorted itself out, which, of course, it won't.
My laptop doesn't have the proper port for the cable to my printer, so I went to Best Buy this morning and picked up a USB converter. This was supposed to make my life easier. It hasn't. I have the printer hooked up to the computer via the USB cable; the cable is in the proper port; the printer has enough paper, toner, and ink; the port works properly; I have no virus that would interfere with printing; then why won't this motherfucker print? What's worse is that it had actually started to print a document, then, in the middle of printing, abruptly stopped and gave me an error message. Now it won't print a damn thing, no matter what I do. It is making me very angry. I'm going to have to run on a treadmill pretty hard to vent a bit, and hope that when I come back the problem will have sorted itself out, which, of course, it won't.
Saw your commentary at Siv's journal, and I do believe you have it wrong - Wu-tang Clan (not zombies) is in fact that which is nothing with which to fuck.