We travel through the dense Thai jungle, in nothing except for beach wear and sandals.
Are there any snakes here?
Christian, our guide who has been living a life of isolation for the last 2 years, cheerfully replies in a thick Italian accent:
I caught a python here last week but if I catch a cobra it would really make my day. Trying our best to look brave and not bothered with this random dangerous fact, we continue forward extra slowly and carefully.
He continues: Snakes sometimes come to my hut to hunt mice, its not good, not good at all. I didnt have electricity for a while so it can be dangerous.
I want to make a belt out of a snake one day He continuous. The eco tourist in me frowns at the fact. But I soon come to realize that there might not be any other option for Christian to get a belt. Here, 50 kilometers away from the nearest town, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by limestone mountains and thick rainforest you cant just pop in to the local supermarket to buy the things you need. You have to make everything yourself.
And so he did, everything we see in his home and surrounding it all hand made by Christian. He had to clear the land that he purchased, from dense jungle with his own hands, then he had to cut down some of the trees to prepare wood for the hut. Only after that he could start building his home. When I ask him if it was hard to do all those things just on his own, Christian just laughs it off, saying that since there was no electricity or internet, he had nothing better to do anyway.
There is something primeval about this place and Christian. He does not have the same dreams as most of us. Instead of a big apartment in the city, he dreamt of a hut in the jungle. Instead of surfing the internet, he studies local plants and trees. Christian didnt want the same things as most men do. He wanted something special. A unique place to call a home.
I used to have a girlfriend; she was a nice Thai lady. She thought that after I buy this land, I would build a nice European villa here and start some sort of a business. But after she realised that Im not that rich and I want to build everything myself she didnt like the idea of living in the jungle with no water or electricityor toiletbut with plenty of spiders, mice and snakes. So she left me.
Arriving at a narrow hole inside a limestone mountain, Christian point out: This is my cave, we need to go through the passage to get to the other side. Do you have a flashlight? No?
After crawling 20 meters in complete darkness we finally see the light and with it a beautiful valley with a well hidden monastery. Christian politely asked the monks if we could enter. They didnt mind, its been a while since they seen the last tourist.
Nobody I know back home owns a cave.

Last year only 20 people came to visit Christian in his beautiful home.

Sounds like a memorable adventure.

Wow, that's amazing!