Hello SG universe!
I tossed up writing about this blog homework for a few days, I wasn't sure if I wanted to write about something that can be so tragic, but then I thought that this topic can be a very important one.
Unrequited love:
Unrequited love or one-sided love is love that is not openly reciprocated or understood as such by the beloved. The beloved may not be aware of the admirer's deep and strong romantic affection, or may consciously reject it
I feel like everyone will experience unrequited love in their lifetime, and maybe it's not as poetic or as beautiful as it looks, it can creep up on you, or it can even be relevant in a relationship - feeling like you'd do more, or try more for the other person.
As much as a love that is not reciprocated hurts, I believe we should focus more on the journey. It feels good to be in love, it's an addictive feeling and it makes us happy. Put it this way, if you're only loving somebody to be loved back, are we not limiting ourselves? if we're simply only loving someone for our own personal gain, that's not real love. Instead, if we embrace the revolutionary idea that we do not need someone to love us to validate the love that we feel for them, it could really change the way that we love and express ourselves.
I feel like a lot of this comes back to self love. If we love and accept ourselves, faults and all, unrequited love cannot hurt us - for we know that for whatever reason that they don't love us back- is all in their own personal journey and you will be perfect for somebody when the time comes.
Feeling love is never wrong.
I'm guilty for loving someone that's hurt me, I'm sure we all are. Yes, we can be angry and experience a range of emotions from it, but we shouldn't be angry for actually falling in love - even if it's with someone who turned out to be someone completely different. It's easy to get angry at yourself for falling for somebody - it's especially easy to feel stupid and weak for letting yourself fall in love after you've been hurt - but we need to redirect that anger to where it belongs - and it shouldn't be on us.
Once we forgive ourselves for falling in love with somebody that doesn't love us back - we'll begin to grow. We'll move past the stagnant relationships that didn't serve us - even if we still feel love for them. We'll make choices that honor our own authenticity.
So even if Cupid is totally blind drunk sometimes and hits one person with his arrow but forgets to hit the other, take the time to notice that it's not wrong to feel love.
Love to you all <3
@missy @rambo