Hello everyone!
I think that this blog topic came around at perfect timing! I've been feeling a little more anxious than usual, as you might have read in my previous post, and I think it's super important for us to remember what we're looking forward to, and more importantly, what we're working so hard towards so that we can keep our eye on the prize!
Here are some of the main things I'm looking forward to right now:
My newest set with @waikiki comes out soon! I have a feeling it's my best set yet, and I can't wait for you all to see it!
'Haven' hits member review in 3 weeks and 3 days!
New tattoo!
I've been craving a new tattoo for quite some months now, and am finally getting some more work done on my leg in 3 days! I'm getting my calf tattooed by a tattooist I have followed for years, and I'm excited to share it with you guys! After this, I definitely need to do the last colour in my sleeve!
SG Australia shootfest and party in June!
I miss so many of these talented ladies already, and I can't wait to spend some more time with such creative souls. I'll be shooting with @coolicio and @vorpal so I'm super excited to see what we create and share it with all of you!
Finding a new house
This one might not be as exciting for you guys, but I'm so ready to move! My partner and I have been house hunting online for a few months now, and we're finally going to start going for inspections soon! I can't wait to have our own private space, which also means more photos for you guys!
What are you guys looking forward to, what's keeping you afloat?
@missy @rambo
All my love,