I'm going to be cancelling my suicide girls account soon. There have been things that have bothered me about this site all along, as much as i loved it, but in light of recent events, i can't stand it anymore. I love the community of people, which is something i don't feel like i would be able to recreate on friendster or myspace. A lot of the Suicide Girls and the members are amazing people. But i feel that the people who run this site seem to think they are beyond criticism....any good company or organization should be able to listen to criticism....and it seems like some of the people who run this site don't care if they piss people off. Also, i feel really upset about Apnea situation.....it sounds pretty fucked up to me. Voltaire and Shera and Sicily have all quit. Lots of people have quit for reasons that seem valid to me. And now the site has the archived girls up with all the other girls, and that seems like the most fucked up thing of all. I am friends with one of those girls, and she wanted her pictures to be harder to access for a reason. Some of those girls quit because they were tired of being recognized, wanted jobs that might be affected by being on such a site, or didn't agree with things on the site for one reason or another. Yes, SG does own the pictures, and they are withing their legal rights to do with them what they wish, but it just seems completely stupid and disrespectful to me to make those girls photos just as easily accessible as the others.
Anyway, rant rant. I also have other reasons for having been pissed off of the site in the past....which i won't go in to here, because i might get kicked off. And i do want a chance to send you all my contact information, so it is possible to keep in touch.
Update: I have sent my contact information to all of you on my friends list, via email, and if you haven't yet recieved it, please let me know (if you are interested)!!! I will be gone very soon.
Another Update: I do frequent some other websites, though not as frequently as i frequented this one.
Here are some of the links...
"Lesilly" on Myspace
"Leslie" on friendster
"Sliester" on consumating.com
"Sliester" on Threadless.com
I play World of Warcraft, I'm on the Uther server as Akathisia (horde) and Niciosette (Alliance)
I will miss all of you. Hopefully my contact info will help, because i don't really want to lose touch with any of you.
Okay, love.....-Leslie
Anyway, rant rant. I also have other reasons for having been pissed off of the site in the past....which i won't go in to here, because i might get kicked off. And i do want a chance to send you all my contact information, so it is possible to keep in touch.

Update: I have sent my contact information to all of you on my friends list, via email, and if you haven't yet recieved it, please let me know (if you are interested)!!! I will be gone very soon.
Another Update: I do frequent some other websites, though not as frequently as i frequented this one.

"Lesilly" on Myspace
"Leslie" on friendster
"Sliester" on consumating.com
"Sliester" on Threadless.com
I play World of Warcraft, I'm on the Uther server as Akathisia (horde) and Niciosette (Alliance)
I will miss all of you. Hopefully my contact info will help, because i don't really want to lose touch with any of you.
Okay, love.....-Leslie
thanks for the comment on my set
i shall be doing my next set with a professional photograher...you were right. i can't wait!
take care