I got odd work today at 3pm and i have just been slacking off since then. I made my way home from work slowly, stopping by ktsmurfs apartment and my future home first, then biking back home to our apartment. I can't seem to muster any motivation to be productive...there is a gross sinkful of dishes that need doing, but i am too lazy...there is Wow but i am just not feeling in the mood right now...there is knitting i could do but it is making me really sleepy...there are Netflix movies to be watched and returned, but if i tried to pay attention to a movie right now i would surely fall asleep on the couch with my mouth gaping. I don't like having no energy. I guess it was worth it though.
The cause of my general exhaustion was this past weekend. Greg and i decided somewhat last minute to go to PAX (the Penny Arcade Expo). The previous year we had gone down hoping to maybe find a hotel or motel, but all was full up...so we ended up crashing in the back of the pickup in the parking garage under the convention center. While not the epitomy of creature comforts, it was certainly livable...bathrooms were not too far off, it was relatively quiet, and the security guards left us alone. So this year we thought we'd just do the same and camp out in the garage again.
Apparently the gods of gaming had different plans. We arrived in Bellvue around 3:00am, ready to fall asleep in our truck bed futon. When we got to the garage however, it was eerily deserted, unlike last year. We parked and walked into the building. We took the elevator up and arrived on a scene that was utterly...deserted. My first thought was "maybe we are in the wrong place" but after i saw the PAX schedule on the wall i realized "Oh crap they are closed for the night and we aren't supposed to be in here." So many big screen televisions left unknowingly open to the elements. We turned around and walked back down into the parking garage.
Right as we were reaching the truck a somewhat disgruntled looking security guard comes striding towards us.
"Are you guys leaving?"
"Uh, yeah, we're on our way out."
"Because all the doors are locked now!"
So then we were out on the streets. We drove around for about an hour looking for anywhere to park. A public park, a parking garage, a neighborhood, a graveyard, anything. The weird and unfortunate thing about Bellvue is that is completely clean and free of homeless transient types. So while it is very ritzy and most likely very safe (and undoubtedly usually boring as hell) we would stick out like a sore thumb just parking somewhere. So we didn't know what to do. While driving around we couldn't really find any place that seemed that great other than a nearly abandoned parking garage. I was really scared. I think i have had the far of parking garages instilled in to me for some reason, at some point i don't remember anymore.
Anyway, i had to finish sewing the curtains for the back of the truck first. I wasn't able to finish them before we left, and i wasn't able to finish them on the way up since the dome light was too distracting. So we parked in a downtown park and i worked on sewing Velcro to the curtains so we could hang them up in the back. Greg tried to help but gave up quickly when he kept snagging the thread. So fell asleep and i kept working. I sewed. Until 5:30 in the morning. It was making me go crazy. At that point i woke Greg up, i was emotional and delirious, and i was afraid i wouldn't be able to sleep at all. We drove back to the parking garage and got in the back. We fell asleep.
In the morning i had to pee so bad, and people were out and about and i couldn't think of a good place to pee outside without getting caught, being unfamiliar with the territory. I let Greg sleep for about another hour until my bladder was almost unbearable. Then i woke him up. We got dressed in the haven of our curtained (even if shoddily so) truck bed. Lo and behold, to my horror, i realized i had forgotten my underwear, my birth control and any type of coat or jacket. Argh. I started to freak out a little inside and feel really negative about the whole trip...but at this point i haven't even gone in to the Con yet.
When i stepped inside i started to feel better right away. There were geeks everywhere! And a lot of them looked happy! People were nice and said hello! It was lovely. We explored the various rooms for a while, looked at the video games in the exhibition hall, watched people playing DDR, people watched briefly, and soaked a little of the whole scene in. Then we left, in search of underwear. We found some, but we had to go to a mall. It isn't worth recounting. At least i made it out with exactly what i had wanted. I have to admit, on the way to the mall i found a yarn store. Go figure. So i did end up knitting during the con....
Sometimes i can't stop myself.
After the mall search we got back, and got to investigating things further at the con. There were lots of games. Honestly i wan not excited by a whole lot of what i saw, but whatever, its all in good fun. But i did see a few things i liked. Far Cry, although i know nothing about it, looks interesting. Nintendogs was unbearably cute.....oh god. And i must announce that i have fallen in love with a new game that i must buy immediately. Katamari Damacy. OH MY GOD. It looks so fun. Ack. Amazing. After a while of game ogling i got bored, and i am too shy to play games in front of big groups of people..so, i bought green tea flavored pocky, and a stuffed cowboy bebop plush of Ed and Ein.
I sat down and knit for a while, which definitely drew some strange looks and some comments, but most of the comments were positive. One guy even took my picture to try to convince his girlfriend to come with him next year. Awww.
That evening was the night of the musical performances. Greg and i were excited to see the Minibosses play. We had already caught them on Friday in Portland, on our way up to PAX. There were several other musical performers before the minibosses and i was starting to nod off constantly despite the volume of the music...so i left and went to sleep in the truck before they even came on stage. Oh well. I am a wuss sometimes when i only get three hours of sleep. Greg came to bed sometime after. We decided while it had been fun we had had enough of the con, and we would spend Sunday just bumming around. Which was a good idea, it was incredibly relaxing, and i got to spend so much time with Greg all to myself. We bought Persepolis: The Story of A Return and read it together over iced choclatey coffee drinks....a rare treat (also i had been wanting to read that book for a while...that was lovely too).
Ackblaghh! My tattoo is still itching terribly. I know I'm not supposed to scratch it...but...damn. Anyone want to come over and nibble on my shoulder blade? I bet that would feel fucking awesome right now, despite any damage it may do to the tattoo...
I have really bad hiccups right now, they are painful.
Oh yeah and the scarf i started during PAX is almost done. Its furry and soft. I think i have a preference towards fuzzy scarves that look like some sort of weird animal has crawled around my neck and died. Oh well. i love how it is turning out, tacky or no.
Ugh, i'm tired again. But i have two more days off tues and weds! So i am going to make use of it!
Love you guys!
The cause of my general exhaustion was this past weekend. Greg and i decided somewhat last minute to go to PAX (the Penny Arcade Expo). The previous year we had gone down hoping to maybe find a hotel or motel, but all was full up...so we ended up crashing in the back of the pickup in the parking garage under the convention center. While not the epitomy of creature comforts, it was certainly livable...bathrooms were not too far off, it was relatively quiet, and the security guards left us alone. So this year we thought we'd just do the same and camp out in the garage again.
Apparently the gods of gaming had different plans. We arrived in Bellvue around 3:00am, ready to fall asleep in our truck bed futon. When we got to the garage however, it was eerily deserted, unlike last year. We parked and walked into the building. We took the elevator up and arrived on a scene that was utterly...deserted. My first thought was "maybe we are in the wrong place" but after i saw the PAX schedule on the wall i realized "Oh crap they are closed for the night and we aren't supposed to be in here." So many big screen televisions left unknowingly open to the elements. We turned around and walked back down into the parking garage.
Right as we were reaching the truck a somewhat disgruntled looking security guard comes striding towards us.
"Are you guys leaving?"
"Uh, yeah, we're on our way out."
"Because all the doors are locked now!"
So then we were out on the streets. We drove around for about an hour looking for anywhere to park. A public park, a parking garage, a neighborhood, a graveyard, anything. The weird and unfortunate thing about Bellvue is that is completely clean and free of homeless transient types. So while it is very ritzy and most likely very safe (and undoubtedly usually boring as hell) we would stick out like a sore thumb just parking somewhere. So we didn't know what to do. While driving around we couldn't really find any place that seemed that great other than a nearly abandoned parking garage. I was really scared. I think i have had the far of parking garages instilled in to me for some reason, at some point i don't remember anymore.
Anyway, i had to finish sewing the curtains for the back of the truck first. I wasn't able to finish them before we left, and i wasn't able to finish them on the way up since the dome light was too distracting. So we parked in a downtown park and i worked on sewing Velcro to the curtains so we could hang them up in the back. Greg tried to help but gave up quickly when he kept snagging the thread. So fell asleep and i kept working. I sewed. Until 5:30 in the morning. It was making me go crazy. At that point i woke Greg up, i was emotional and delirious, and i was afraid i wouldn't be able to sleep at all. We drove back to the parking garage and got in the back. We fell asleep.
In the morning i had to pee so bad, and people were out and about and i couldn't think of a good place to pee outside without getting caught, being unfamiliar with the territory. I let Greg sleep for about another hour until my bladder was almost unbearable. Then i woke him up. We got dressed in the haven of our curtained (even if shoddily so) truck bed. Lo and behold, to my horror, i realized i had forgotten my underwear, my birth control and any type of coat or jacket. Argh. I started to freak out a little inside and feel really negative about the whole trip...but at this point i haven't even gone in to the Con yet.
When i stepped inside i started to feel better right away. There were geeks everywhere! And a lot of them looked happy! People were nice and said hello! It was lovely. We explored the various rooms for a while, looked at the video games in the exhibition hall, watched people playing DDR, people watched briefly, and soaked a little of the whole scene in. Then we left, in search of underwear. We found some, but we had to go to a mall. It isn't worth recounting. At least i made it out with exactly what i had wanted. I have to admit, on the way to the mall i found a yarn store. Go figure. So i did end up knitting during the con....

After the mall search we got back, and got to investigating things further at the con. There were lots of games. Honestly i wan not excited by a whole lot of what i saw, but whatever, its all in good fun. But i did see a few things i liked. Far Cry, although i know nothing about it, looks interesting. Nintendogs was unbearably cute.....oh god. And i must announce that i have fallen in love with a new game that i must buy immediately. Katamari Damacy. OH MY GOD. It looks so fun. Ack. Amazing. After a while of game ogling i got bored, and i am too shy to play games in front of big groups of people..so, i bought green tea flavored pocky, and a stuffed cowboy bebop plush of Ed and Ein.

That evening was the night of the musical performances. Greg and i were excited to see the Minibosses play. We had already caught them on Friday in Portland, on our way up to PAX. There were several other musical performers before the minibosses and i was starting to nod off constantly despite the volume of the music...so i left and went to sleep in the truck before they even came on stage. Oh well. I am a wuss sometimes when i only get three hours of sleep. Greg came to bed sometime after. We decided while it had been fun we had had enough of the con, and we would spend Sunday just bumming around. Which was a good idea, it was incredibly relaxing, and i got to spend so much time with Greg all to myself. We bought Persepolis: The Story of A Return and read it together over iced choclatey coffee drinks....a rare treat (also i had been wanting to read that book for a while...that was lovely too).
Ackblaghh! My tattoo is still itching terribly. I know I'm not supposed to scratch it...but...damn. Anyone want to come over and nibble on my shoulder blade? I bet that would feel fucking awesome right now, despite any damage it may do to the tattoo...
I have really bad hiccups right now, they are painful.
Oh yeah and the scarf i started during PAX is almost done. Its furry and soft. I think i have a preference towards fuzzy scarves that look like some sort of weird animal has crawled around my neck and died. Oh well. i love how it is turning out, tacky or no.
Ugh, i'm tired again. But i have two more days off tues and weds! So i am going to make use of it!
Love you guys!

You probably can, even if you have a cheap cell phone. If it can send text messages. You just send a text to an email address to do it. At least that is how I do.
It was really scary, but she is okay.