Update to the Update: I just scheduled an appointment for the first installment of my first tattoo! Well, i have a tiny tattoo i did myself in highschool, but so does everyone and their sister, right? Anyhoo, i will be having easyroad tattoo me which is exciting because his portfolio is amazing and he's really nice. So yay!
NEW Pictures Time!
Well, ok not new to me, but new to you!
Whooo all this updating! I don't know what has gotten in to me!
Hmmm. Maybe it is that i miss all of you. Or maybe it is that i have just finished the new Harry Potter Book and now i have a lot of free time. Or maybe it is that i am slacking way too much on housecleaning and packing. Or maybe it is just too hot to do anything else. Or maybe it is all of the above.
Well, it has bee too long since i have posted pictures, no?
Well theres one. There will be more in this journal entry i am sure, but they are old ones. We still haven't
found the USB cable.
And Greg still hasn't gotten the two weeks of paychecks he's been waiting for.
Generally his temp agency is really good, but damn them for fucking up. We have needs!
I hate when it is so hot i can't think. Today is quite a bit better. Yesterday, even just lying on the floor doing nothing, i was pouring buckets of sweat. All i wanted to do was stand in front of the open fridge and freezer all day, and eat like a million popcicles which we didn't have. Always a good excuse to have sex in front of an open refrigerator though.
Otherwise when it is that hot i don't feel like it at all.
Apparently the coils in back of the fridge make the room hotter if you leave the door open for too long though.
I'll keep that in mind i guess.
Heh. What am i saying, BAH! I hate summer! When is it going to be over already! Bring me some daisy dukes and a wife beater and a cold can o beer! That or bring on autumn already!
Don't my eyes look kind of sad? I took this picture on a really bad day. I can't recall why it was a bad day though. I think it had something to do with issues between a friend of mine and Greg.....i talked about that in here a while ago. Here are some other pictures i took on that day. I own many different pairs of striped socks. Those are Halloween colors, not OSU colors, damnit!
My roomie is gone for a week. I love her to pieces but it kind of nice having her gone. Ideally i want no roommates other than Greg. He is ideal as my roomie since we are generally pretty like minded about things. My other roomie is awesome too....a good friend. But she is really obsessive about some things being spotless, and really messy in other ways. I don't get it. But its an OCD thing, which is ok. It just takes some getting used to. Also, she hates drain traps (like the kind that go in the tub to keep your hair from going down there) so she always removes it.....and i won't miss having to unplug the tub drain after we move.
I will miss being nostalgic and reminiscing about how we grew up together, and talking to her about random stuff everyday. I know i will still be in contact with her. Probably nowhere near as much as i can be while living with her. A little sad.
Here's another random pic.....me a while ago on a really rainy day..... the funny thing is this picture was only a month or two ago probably. It was still raining in July like a week ago....
Now i have a serious question for you.
Do you munch rug?
C'mon, be honest. I want to know!
I found out the other day that a friend of mine is pregnant again. She is married, it just worries me is all. I guess babies worry me period, since they seem like way to much work for me at least. Anyway, i wish she wouldn't, but its too late now. I mean, i love her and all, but she has no energy. Instead of letting her toddler play she straps him into the baby carriage and lets him cry himself hoarse. I mean, i wouldn't have enough energy to run around 24/7 after a hyper little toddler, but if i was in that scenario i certainly wouldn't have a second! I guess its what she wants though. I just wonder if its what she wants, or what she thinks will keep her marriage together. Because thats what it seems like.
She always talked about wanting to go to college, and she dropped out because of the first child, and now she is having another one, insuring she won't be able to go back to school again for at least the next 6 years. I know some people say their lives feel empty without babies though, so i don't know. I just don't think people should have babies if they are in a questionable marriage with limited sources of income outside of their parents, but hey, maybe thats just me. I might be being too harsh.....
I miss my friend Patric....he is working in Austin TX in an art glass gallery, working the cash register. It is his first customer service job and now he can finally sympathize with my job. It gets old to hear "how late are you open" a million times a day.
Finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince......i simultaneously want the new book to come out asap yet don't want the series to end. Oh and i want to see the new movie too. Hurry up with that movie already! Those kids are going to be like 30 by the time all the movies are done!
Now time for more pictures!!!
Doo de doo de oo......
Uuuuuhh duh excuse me is my flower falling?
I made the scarf i am wearing in this picture. All by myself! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!
Photoshop is silly, my friends. Despite popular belief, i was not standing in the middle of an inferno at the time the photo was taken, as much as you would like to believe in my amazing fire retardant abilities.
I'll show you retardant! Hey waidaminnit.....
Ok maybe in the next couple of days i will put up more of the silly old pictures. Its kinda fun.
God this journal was unstructured. Sorry.
Love you all!
NEW Pictures Time!
Well, ok not new to me, but new to you!
Whooo all this updating! I don't know what has gotten in to me!
Hmmm. Maybe it is that i miss all of you. Or maybe it is that i have just finished the new Harry Potter Book and now i have a lot of free time. Or maybe it is that i am slacking way too much on housecleaning and packing. Or maybe it is just too hot to do anything else. Or maybe it is all of the above.

Well, it has bee too long since i have posted pictures, no?

Well theres one. There will be more in this journal entry i am sure, but they are old ones. We still haven't
found the USB cable.

I hate when it is so hot i can't think. Today is quite a bit better. Yesterday, even just lying on the floor doing nothing, i was pouring buckets of sweat. All i wanted to do was stand in front of the open fridge and freezer all day, and eat like a million popcicles which we didn't have. Always a good excuse to have sex in front of an open refrigerator though.

Don't my eyes look kind of sad? I took this picture on a really bad day. I can't recall why it was a bad day though. I think it had something to do with issues between a friend of mine and Greg.....i talked about that in here a while ago. Here are some other pictures i took on that day. I own many different pairs of striped socks. Those are Halloween colors, not OSU colors, damnit!

My roomie is gone for a week. I love her to pieces but it kind of nice having her gone. Ideally i want no roommates other than Greg. He is ideal as my roomie since we are generally pretty like minded about things. My other roomie is awesome too....a good friend. But she is really obsessive about some things being spotless, and really messy in other ways. I don't get it. But its an OCD thing, which is ok. It just takes some getting used to. Also, she hates drain traps (like the kind that go in the tub to keep your hair from going down there) so she always removes it.....and i won't miss having to unplug the tub drain after we move.

Here's another random pic.....me a while ago on a really rainy day..... the funny thing is this picture was only a month or two ago probably. It was still raining in July like a week ago....

Now i have a serious question for you.
Do you munch rug?

C'mon, be honest. I want to know!

I found out the other day that a friend of mine is pregnant again. She is married, it just worries me is all. I guess babies worry me period, since they seem like way to much work for me at least. Anyway, i wish she wouldn't, but its too late now. I mean, i love her and all, but she has no energy. Instead of letting her toddler play she straps him into the baby carriage and lets him cry himself hoarse. I mean, i wouldn't have enough energy to run around 24/7 after a hyper little toddler, but if i was in that scenario i certainly wouldn't have a second! I guess its what she wants though. I just wonder if its what she wants, or what she thinks will keep her marriage together. Because thats what it seems like.

I miss my friend Patric....he is working in Austin TX in an art glass gallery, working the cash register. It is his first customer service job and now he can finally sympathize with my job. It gets old to hear "how late are you open" a million times a day.
Finished Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince......i simultaneously want the new book to come out asap yet don't want the series to end. Oh and i want to see the new movie too. Hurry up with that movie already! Those kids are going to be like 30 by the time all the movies are done!

Now time for more pictures!!!
Doo de doo de oo......

Uuuuuhh duh excuse me is my flower falling?

I made the scarf i am wearing in this picture. All by myself! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!

Photoshop is silly, my friends. Despite popular belief, i was not standing in the middle of an inferno at the time the photo was taken, as much as you would like to believe in my amazing fire retardant abilities.

I'll show you retardant! Hey waidaminnit.....
Ok maybe in the next couple of days i will put up more of the silly old pictures. Its kinda fun.
God this journal was unstructured. Sorry.

Love you all!

I'm too lazy right now to read the text.
Must.......play.......... more .......halflife2........