WOOOHA Updatey!
Well, guess what! Fuck cashiering to hell, because i got the grocery job!!!! YEAH!
(Does happy dance for a little while)
Oh yeah, back to the journal updating. So yeah, i interviewed for a grocery position at our north store location, and i didn't really think they would hire me (after going through so many interviews and being given various stupid excuses of why they wouldn't hire me for other departments, i didn't think i had much hope). I got a call the day before yesterday.....they want me for the job! I am so excited! This job will be so much more interesting. I mean, its still just a grocery stocker position, but hey, at least I'll be moving around and doing a variety of tasks instead of just cashiering all the goddamn time! So again, WOOOOOH, i am excitey!
My schedule is going to be sort of up in the air for a while. But hopefully, after i start this job, i won't be feeling the metal exhaustion quite as badly as i was. So i asked Greg why it is so much more tiring to do a job where you are standing in one place than one where you are moving around all day. He told me that with a constant lack of stimuli your brain just sort of shuts off.....that some people who work time consuming soul crushing jobs actually show less sensory response.....like you could poke some of them with a needle and they wouldn't feel it (as much at least) because their brain is shutting down. That the brain is exhausted from lack of stimuli. I guess i feel like that sometimes, although slightly less extreme.....I'd still slap you if you poked me!
But still, i feel mentally exhausted while my body feels like it could run for hours.
So hopefully i will start to feel better soon.
I'm bad. I've started to eat meat again, specifically chicken tamales. There is this Mexican lady who comes into the place i work, and she makes the most awesome tamales. She is a housewife so she's either just doing this for extra cash or for fun. Anyway, she's so cute and nice, and they always smell so good, and she only charges a dollar a piece. Anyway, i had some. And motherfucker, i am so hooked. I can no longer call myself vegetarian. I guess i can still call myself selective, but not vegetarian. And honestly, i feel better energy wise, but i still think i will practice moderation, since i don't want to eat meat that often. And sometimes i want to eat vegan on some days. But i have no consistency. Am i weird?
Other things you probably didn't want to know....STOP READING NOW I WARN YOU I AM DISGUSTING!!! Uh, ok:
-chicken makes my pee smell like chicken! What, its interesting to me, since i haven't eaten chicken in like 5 years!
-i love that clean tooth feeling. I just brushed my teeth, and i am licking them right now. Mmmmm, smooth.
-I had sex with Greg and didn't take a shower......i know it sounds gross, but some days i just like his smell on me, as much of a freak as i am.....
Ok all, have a good day..... love you!
Well, guess what! Fuck cashiering to hell, because i got the grocery job!!!! YEAH!
(Does happy dance for a little while)
Oh yeah, back to the journal updating. So yeah, i interviewed for a grocery position at our north store location, and i didn't really think they would hire me (after going through so many interviews and being given various stupid excuses of why they wouldn't hire me for other departments, i didn't think i had much hope). I got a call the day before yesterday.....they want me for the job! I am so excited! This job will be so much more interesting. I mean, its still just a grocery stocker position, but hey, at least I'll be moving around and doing a variety of tasks instead of just cashiering all the goddamn time! So again, WOOOOOH, i am excitey!
My schedule is going to be sort of up in the air for a while. But hopefully, after i start this job, i won't be feeling the metal exhaustion quite as badly as i was. So i asked Greg why it is so much more tiring to do a job where you are standing in one place than one where you are moving around all day. He told me that with a constant lack of stimuli your brain just sort of shuts off.....that some people who work time consuming soul crushing jobs actually show less sensory response.....like you could poke some of them with a needle and they wouldn't feel it (as much at least) because their brain is shutting down. That the brain is exhausted from lack of stimuli. I guess i feel like that sometimes, although slightly less extreme.....I'd still slap you if you poked me!

I'm bad. I've started to eat meat again, specifically chicken tamales. There is this Mexican lady who comes into the place i work, and she makes the most awesome tamales. She is a housewife so she's either just doing this for extra cash or for fun. Anyway, she's so cute and nice, and they always smell so good, and she only charges a dollar a piece. Anyway, i had some. And motherfucker, i am so hooked. I can no longer call myself vegetarian. I guess i can still call myself selective, but not vegetarian. And honestly, i feel better energy wise, but i still think i will practice moderation, since i don't want to eat meat that often. And sometimes i want to eat vegan on some days. But i have no consistency. Am i weird?
Other things you probably didn't want to know....STOP READING NOW I WARN YOU I AM DISGUSTING!!! Uh, ok:
-chicken makes my pee smell like chicken! What, its interesting to me, since i haven't eaten chicken in like 5 years!
-i love that clean tooth feeling. I just brushed my teeth, and i am licking them right now. Mmmmm, smooth.
-I had sex with Greg and didn't take a shower......i know it sounds gross, but some days i just like his smell on me, as much of a freak as i am.....
Ok all, have a good day..... love you!

you didn't before, did you?