Well, I'm doing okay i suppose, but i haven't had much to "write home about". In some ways i am pretty happy....things are wonderful with Greg.....he is such a sweet man and i am very lucky. Work is tolerable lately too. Although i didn't get the deli job i interviewed for i got a lot of positive feedback from one of my interviewees and i got another interview for a grocery position. This morning was beautiful....sunny but not too hot. In the early afternoon Greg and i biked to the Big 5 sporting goods store near where he works, where i tried on lots of sports bras and running shorts--no luck on the bras, got on pair of longish Capri style running shorts. I am going to try jogging and biking a lot more often because honestly, i am putting on the pudge. Other people have told me i look fine, but it is getting to the point where i am tired all the time and i hardly fit into my pants, so i don't feel good....or good about my body, for that matter. Greg's going to start jogging too.....both of us got winded from that slightly over 2 mile bike ride. That is sad....or bodies are so out of shape and decrepit for our age.....blarrrrgh.
I bought a bunch of new music.....i couldn't help myself. I never can. I got some Nico, Fantomas, and Thrill Kill Kult (TKK is one of the only bands i can work out to.....they are so cheesey and dancey, i love it).
I have been sick of people lately......don't know why exactly. Can't hurt to take some alone time (and some alone with Greg time). I dunno, sometimes i just need a break from people. Greg, Kristana and Katy are okay, pretty much everyone else in Corvallis is driving me nutso at the moment. I'll get over it though eventually.
Okay....recommend me a movie to get on Netflix! I saw Office Space last night, and everyone was right, i really did need to see it. Now tell me what else to watch.
I bought a bunch of new music.....i couldn't help myself. I never can. I got some Nico, Fantomas, and Thrill Kill Kult (TKK is one of the only bands i can work out to.....they are so cheesey and dancey, i love it).
I have been sick of people lately......don't know why exactly. Can't hurt to take some alone time (and some alone with Greg time). I dunno, sometimes i just need a break from people. Greg, Kristana and Katy are okay, pretty much everyone else in Corvallis is driving me nutso at the moment. I'll get over it though eventually.
Okay....recommend me a movie to get on Netflix! I saw Office Space last night, and everyone was right, i really did need to see it. Now tell me what else to watch.
let's see...I do indeed have a netflix account. Right now, I've got Six-String Samurai, GardenState, and Sideways. On average, i watch about 3 movies a week. It's great stuff, I tells ya!