Wow. I just wasted pretty much all of my day off. Well, at least it seemed fun, even if it went by much too fast. I spent the first part of the day at home in bed with the Gregster, the second walking around downtown tasting wine and beer and buying cheezy vintage stuff, and now......well i'm sitting here and occasionally wandering to the kitchen to wash a dish or two......yup, i'm lazy....
I saw Episode III yesterday. I was very pleasantly surprised. I still like the classic Star Wars movies best, but Episode III is good too. I mean, i still had problems with a lot of little nit-picky things in the movie that irked me (i'm like that when watching movies) but my expectations were pretty low (based on Episode I & II) and i can happily say my expectations were waaaay exceeded. I feel so much more sypathy and understanding for Vader now.
Ok, i i sould go work more on housework and stuff......uhhhhgh. A friend is coming over tonight apparently, so i need to chip away at the pile-o-dishes. Yup.
Oh yeah, i just wasted more time on this:
Make a doll version of you
And here's Me:
Here's my roomie! Although she looks too asian here.
Here's Greg. Since it was impossible to actually make it look like him, ungay and unasian, we just threw in the tale of fairy background.
Thanks, beckyuill, for the diversion.
Ok, goodnight all my hotties!
hee hee hee lookit
I saw Episode III yesterday. I was very pleasantly surprised. I still like the classic Star Wars movies best, but Episode III is good too. I mean, i still had problems with a lot of little nit-picky things in the movie that irked me (i'm like that when watching movies) but my expectations were pretty low (based on Episode I & II) and i can happily say my expectations were waaaay exceeded. I feel so much more sypathy and understanding for Vader now.
Ok, i i sould go work more on housework and stuff......uhhhhgh. A friend is coming over tonight apparently, so i need to chip away at the pile-o-dishes. Yup.
Oh yeah, i just wasted more time on this:
Make a doll version of you
And here's Me:

Here's my roomie! Although she looks too asian here.

Here's Greg. Since it was impossible to actually make it look like him, ungay and unasian, we just threw in the tale of fairy background.

Thanks, beckyuill, for the diversion.
Ok, goodnight all my hotties!

hee hee hee lookit
everything is floating...