Okay, i am feeling a bit better. I still had another horrible day at work (i really want to stab my supervisor in the temple with a fork, she is such a miserable horrible bitch) but a friend gave me a great hug near the end of the day.....it meant a lot to me and it made a lot of the stress melt away. It was the friend i hadn't been talking to much, so i feel doubly relieved to know he still cares.
Greg's birthday is today....I am extremely impatient about giving presents to people, so i gave him half of his presents already. I will give him the rest when he gets home today. I kind of want to drink some wine (i still have a bit of a stress headache and sometimes it helps a bit with that) so i bought the only kind of wine he likes, in the hope he'll drink a little with me (he really isn't much of a drinker at all).
I think i am going to venture out of the house......maybe attempt to procure some bubblebath as a birthday surprise for my squishster. And perhaps stop by Borders and see if there is anything else i want to get for him, and a CD for myself (since i have been such a good girl, ya know?)......
Ok, i'm off. Love you all!

Greg's birthday is today....I am extremely impatient about giving presents to people, so i gave him half of his presents already. I will give him the rest when he gets home today. I kind of want to drink some wine (i still have a bit of a stress headache and sometimes it helps a bit with that) so i bought the only kind of wine he likes, in the hope he'll drink a little with me (he really isn't much of a drinker at all).
I think i am going to venture out of the house......maybe attempt to procure some bubblebath as a birthday surprise for my squishster. And perhaps stop by Borders and see if there is anything else i want to get for him, and a CD for myself (since i have been such a good girl, ya know?)......
Ok, i'm off. Love you all!

hope your guy has a great b-day.
thank you ever so much for your kind words of praise on our new set! ♥