I am pretty sure i have food poisoning or the flu...
The party was fun, but i am not feeling like really updating now. I need to go lie in the bathroom.
LATER: The massively bad abdominal distress has passed. I still feel kind of blah. I don't really feel like updating, still.
I have been washing dishes, and listening to music and playing tetris and being lazy (i can't sleep this afternoon yet but i didn't sleep at all last night....so i am blahgityblagh blagh).
Listened to so far......Briefs, Ah-ha, and Ksmurf's crazy 80's mix. Right now its "I Ran". Oh yeah....
A cloud appears above your head.
A beam of light comes shining down on you....
Shining down on you.
The cloud is moving nearer still.
Aurora borealis comes in view,
Aurora comes in view.
And I ran, I ran so far away.
I just ran, I ran all night and day.
I couldnt get away.
Its total cheese. Why do i love it? GAWD.
Well I guess i am a cheezy gurrlie.
The party was fun, but i am not feeling like really updating now. I need to go lie in the bathroom.
LATER: The massively bad abdominal distress has passed. I still feel kind of blah. I don't really feel like updating, still.
I have been washing dishes, and listening to music and playing tetris and being lazy (i can't sleep this afternoon yet but i didn't sleep at all last night....so i am blahgityblagh blagh).
Listened to so far......Briefs, Ah-ha, and Ksmurf's crazy 80's mix. Right now its "I Ran". Oh yeah....
A cloud appears above your head.
A beam of light comes shining down on you....
Shining down on you.
The cloud is moving nearer still.
Aurora borealis comes in view,
Aurora comes in view.
And I ran, I ran so far away.
I just ran, I ran all night and day.
I couldnt get away.
Its total cheese. Why do i love it? GAWD.
Well I guess i am a cheezy gurrlie.
yay!!! thank you dear!

I love the eighties music myself babe, so don't worry. I even have the new Billy Idol cd, and it RAWKS!! And your drawing? Soon, my pet, VEEEEEERRRRYYYY soooooon....