There's a plumber here working on our tub. I guess we might lose our shower, damnit. The previous tenants improvised a brilliant setup with tubes that ran along the ceiling to the other side of the wall (the side where the faucet is is very low, because it is right under our stairs) and had a huge showerhead (which is novel despite the fact the water pressure is horrible.....huge like the one in that Seinfeld episode). I love showers. If i have to bathe (i mean i like bathing on occasion but if i am forced to do that instead of showering) then i will be one CRANKY bitch.
Our landlord came over apparently while we were out. Saw the house was messy, and is threatening to kick us out if "all trash is not removed by the 4th". thing the pigfucker doesn't either know or care about is the fact a lot of it is art or sewing projects that have just sort of.....spread. So a lot of it cannot be tossed. So i am mad and scared.
Perhpas more update later when i am not so pissy.
Our landlord came over apparently while we were out. Saw the house was messy, and is threatening to kick us out if "all trash is not removed by the 4th". thing the pigfucker doesn't either know or care about is the fact a lot of it is art or sewing projects that have just sort of.....spread. So a lot of it cannot be tossed. So i am mad and scared.
Perhpas more update later when i am not so pissy.
That sucks, I'm so sorry. What a stressful time, and right before your birthday party, too! I hope that all works out. Thanks for the sweet comments in my journal. I'd love to go to your birthday party! I'm not sure if I'll be able to get down there for it, but I'd be honored to be invited and I'll try.
They are cheesy but i got carried away. i found a whole page of them. Originally i was going to use all of the smileys i could find but then decided that was stupid and got bored with it.