Ok, i am having a no good very BAD DAY.
First let me apologize because i won't be reading or responding to anyone else's journals for a few days......greg is downloading a motherload of updates for the computer, and as it is it took this website about 15 minutes to load completely and i am not that patient right now......i feel too icky to be patient. I'm sorry....so sucktarded. (EDIT: problem fixed, i can check this site now, the downloading horror is over.)
Today starts off with me feeling blah. I get 7 hours of sleep which should be enough but i wake up feeling like i haven't slept at all. Plus i have a headache for no reason. I feel mildly PMSish with no possible pms. So i got to work, unfortunately.
The first half of my day is just cashiering which is the most boring thing ever, i hate it, it makes me want to punch babies!!!!
But, i don't.
I feel for several hours like i am sleeping standing up, so i drink lots of coffee which is a bad idea (since the older i get the worse things coffee seems to do to me). But i can't stay awake without it today.
After a while this guy comes in that i have been having problems with. He is creepy. I don't know him from adam......
The first time the creepy guy ever talked to me, after like two seconds of meaningless small talk he starts in with the "you're pretty" "you have nice hair" "you are really beautiful" type of cheesy stuff, and then he asks me if i want to go out with him, and right off the bat i told him "No". But he will not get it through his skull, and it really is starting to bug me. About a week ago he asked me out also, and i was like, "sorry, i have a boyfriend." and he says "Well you are so beautiful you must have like 15 boyfriends." To which i reply "No, just one boyfriend who i have been dating 3 years, because he is a really nice guy." The next time he comes in, a couple of days later, he is totally rude to me...."Well i thought about what you said, and there are some mean guys, but i think there are some mean girls too." I'm like "Yeah, thats definately true." Then to flog the dead horse again, he keeps repeating how girls are mean and they can do mean things and blah blah fuckin de blah, basically implying that i am mean for refusing him a date.
After that, he has always come in and hit on me in ways that make me feel really uncomfortable, in front of customers and such.
So, creepyfuckinbastard comes in again today. I am hoping, maybe he will just stay shut up this time (sometimes he doesn't say anything, for whatever reason). But he starts in with the slimy act......"Your hair looks really nice like that." "You know you look really cute in that." "you are really beautiful." And then......"When is your break, do you want to go have coffee across the street? I want to get to know you." I just didn't answer him. I was so mad. and i have to stay civil, since it is my job. I just ignored him until the next customer came up. Am i wrong to be mad? I have told him no twice before that.
What should i do?
a.) remain completely silent, not even say hello, and just ring his groceries up as quickly as possible and move on to the next person without aknowledging his prescence.,
b.) get a fake wedding ring and flash it in his face.
c.) Stab him in the motherfucking eyesockets for eyeing me up and down when i am a captive victim, that jerk.....ok i can't stab his eyes out at work i guess.
d.) Tell him really honestly yet politely that i never want to hang out with him outside of the store, ever, and to please stop saying those kinds of things to me.
I have been hit on by customers so often that it is disconcerting, and a few other females i work with have had the same issue. I think that the men (or women) who are perpetrating the harassment are aware that we can't go anywhere, and that we can't outright just be completely rude to them due to our jobs requiring us to be civil and friendly to the cutomers (oh fuck you retail for sucking so much). Its a captive audience, captive victim situation. I have only been harassed by one person i used to work with, whereas i have been harassed upwards of 20 different customers, some on repeating occasions (most of whom i was able to figure out how to make them leave me alone eventually though).
So, on top of all that, i have never had a young attractive guy or girl hit on me. Maybe its that i am not attractive usually to younger guys or any women, or maybe it is just that the older guys who hit on me are more insane and desperate, i don't know. Word to the older guys out there: most female strangers don't want to hear how beautiful you think they are, especially if they are stuck behind a desk or counter and can't escape from you. Also, if the girl is a lot younger than you, like by at least two decades, then knock it off. It doesn't make her feel good, even if you think for some reason it should. And it doesn't make her like you any more. some women do like older guys, but it is generally ones that they know and not strangers that start hitting on them while they are working! Take a fucking hint.
I am thinking of making a ZINE about this customer harrassment phenomenon. If you would like to submit an anonymous story about something that happened to you, please feel free to contact me. I will not publish your name, this perps name, or the exact location of the occurance due to fear of slander laws, but feel free to describe the location or person visually as vividly as you possibly can, if you would like.
So pissed today.
Ok. So on top off all that shizz......i have downed several cups of coffee by lunch time, i am not that hungry, so i pick out a salad with olives and marinated artichoke hearts with a light vinagrette dressing, and a huge navel orange. I eat the salad and start in on the orange. Usually navel oranges are one of my favorite fruits ever, but for some reason my stomach is acting up, and half way through the orange it starts to taste really different and gross, not because there is anything wrong with it, but i am just getting extremely nauseous. I go sit in the bathroom waiting to vomit but it doesn't happen, so i look for antacids....there are none, its a stupid hippie store i work in! I feel like i am going to pass out, so i sit for ten minutes to see if i will feel better, but it doesn't happen. So i go home, and lose more hours.
I slept for a little while....a nap, but i had the grossest dream......i dreamed i wasn't able to find my toothbrush for a long time. I licked my mouth because it was so dry and crusty but when the tongue passed by my teeth it just squished through them....they had turned in to pasty bitter goo. They stated to drip out from my mouth, and there were no teeth left, just gums.
I seem to have gross tooth dreams quite frequently, but this is one of the worst.
Why is everything so gross today?
On top of that, i just lost a big portion of stuff i had done in the Sims2 beacause i suck. I fucked some stuff up irreparably and i haven't saved in a while. Noooooo!!!!!
I still feel icky too.....i can't tell if i am coming down with the flu that has been going around, or if my stomach is just fucked from too much acidic coffee and food and stress. Wish me luck that i am not sick, dear god i want to feel good for the Magnetic Fields show tomorrow!!!!!
Sorry this is such a novel here. Unless the downloading stuff finishes sooner than expected i won't be checking this site again until two days from now.....i will miss you guys but the wait time is so annoying.
G'night everyone......i will miss you so much! (Grabs leg and holds on like baby!)
First let me apologize because i won't be reading or responding to anyone else's journals for a few days......greg is downloading a motherload of updates for the computer, and as it is it took this website about 15 minutes to load completely and i am not that patient right now......i feel too icky to be patient. I'm sorry....so sucktarded. (EDIT: problem fixed, i can check this site now, the downloading horror is over.)
Today starts off with me feeling blah. I get 7 hours of sleep which should be enough but i wake up feeling like i haven't slept at all. Plus i have a headache for no reason. I feel mildly PMSish with no possible pms. So i got to work, unfortunately.
The first half of my day is just cashiering which is the most boring thing ever, i hate it, it makes me want to punch babies!!!!

After a while this guy comes in that i have been having problems with. He is creepy. I don't know him from adam......
The first time the creepy guy ever talked to me, after like two seconds of meaningless small talk he starts in with the "you're pretty" "you have nice hair" "you are really beautiful" type of cheesy stuff, and then he asks me if i want to go out with him, and right off the bat i told him "No". But he will not get it through his skull, and it really is starting to bug me. About a week ago he asked me out also, and i was like, "sorry, i have a boyfriend." and he says "Well you are so beautiful you must have like 15 boyfriends." To which i reply "No, just one boyfriend who i have been dating 3 years, because he is a really nice guy." The next time he comes in, a couple of days later, he is totally rude to me...."Well i thought about what you said, and there are some mean guys, but i think there are some mean girls too." I'm like "Yeah, thats definately true." Then to flog the dead horse again, he keeps repeating how girls are mean and they can do mean things and blah blah fuckin de blah, basically implying that i am mean for refusing him a date.

So, creepyfuckinbastard comes in again today. I am hoping, maybe he will just stay shut up this time (sometimes he doesn't say anything, for whatever reason). But he starts in with the slimy act......"Your hair looks really nice like that." "You know you look really cute in that." "you are really beautiful." And then......"When is your break, do you want to go have coffee across the street? I want to get to know you." I just didn't answer him. I was so mad. and i have to stay civil, since it is my job. I just ignored him until the next customer came up. Am i wrong to be mad? I have told him no twice before that.
What should i do?
a.) remain completely silent, not even say hello, and just ring his groceries up as quickly as possible and move on to the next person without aknowledging his prescence.,
b.) get a fake wedding ring and flash it in his face.
c.) Stab him in the motherfucking eyesockets for eyeing me up and down when i am a captive victim, that jerk.....ok i can't stab his eyes out at work i guess.
d.) Tell him really honestly yet politely that i never want to hang out with him outside of the store, ever, and to please stop saying those kinds of things to me.
I have been hit on by customers so often that it is disconcerting, and a few other females i work with have had the same issue. I think that the men (or women) who are perpetrating the harassment are aware that we can't go anywhere, and that we can't outright just be completely rude to them due to our jobs requiring us to be civil and friendly to the cutomers (oh fuck you retail for sucking so much). Its a captive audience, captive victim situation. I have only been harassed by one person i used to work with, whereas i have been harassed upwards of 20 different customers, some on repeating occasions (most of whom i was able to figure out how to make them leave me alone eventually though).
So, on top of all that, i have never had a young attractive guy or girl hit on me. Maybe its that i am not attractive usually to younger guys or any women, or maybe it is just that the older guys who hit on me are more insane and desperate, i don't know. Word to the older guys out there: most female strangers don't want to hear how beautiful you think they are, especially if they are stuck behind a desk or counter and can't escape from you. Also, if the girl is a lot younger than you, like by at least two decades, then knock it off. It doesn't make her feel good, even if you think for some reason it should. And it doesn't make her like you any more. some women do like older guys, but it is generally ones that they know and not strangers that start hitting on them while they are working! Take a fucking hint.
I am thinking of making a ZINE about this customer harrassment phenomenon. If you would like to submit an anonymous story about something that happened to you, please feel free to contact me. I will not publish your name, this perps name, or the exact location of the occurance due to fear of slander laws, but feel free to describe the location or person visually as vividly as you possibly can, if you would like.
So pissed today.

Ok. So on top off all that shizz......i have downed several cups of coffee by lunch time, i am not that hungry, so i pick out a salad with olives and marinated artichoke hearts with a light vinagrette dressing, and a huge navel orange. I eat the salad and start in on the orange. Usually navel oranges are one of my favorite fruits ever, but for some reason my stomach is acting up, and half way through the orange it starts to taste really different and gross, not because there is anything wrong with it, but i am just getting extremely nauseous. I go sit in the bathroom waiting to vomit but it doesn't happen, so i look for antacids....there are none, its a stupid hippie store i work in! I feel like i am going to pass out, so i sit for ten minutes to see if i will feel better, but it doesn't happen. So i go home, and lose more hours.

I slept for a little while....a nap, but i had the grossest dream......i dreamed i wasn't able to find my toothbrush for a long time. I licked my mouth because it was so dry and crusty but when the tongue passed by my teeth it just squished through them....they had turned in to pasty bitter goo. They stated to drip out from my mouth, and there were no teeth left, just gums.

Why is everything so gross today?
On top of that, i just lost a big portion of stuff i had done in the Sims2 beacause i suck. I fucked some stuff up irreparably and i haven't saved in a while. Noooooo!!!!!

I still feel icky too.....i can't tell if i am coming down with the flu that has been going around, or if my stomach is just fucked from too much acidic coffee and food and stress. Wish me luck that i am not sick, dear god i want to feel good for the Magnetic Fields show tomorrow!!!!!
Sorry this is such a novel here. Unless the downloading stuff finishes sooner than expected i won't be checking this site again until two days from now.....i will miss you guys but the wait time is so annoying.
G'night everyone......i will miss you so much! (Grabs leg and holds on like baby!)

So there's this guy who comes into the restaurant where I work. Once a few months ago he came in with a couple other guys and I waited on them. Apparantly I must have said something or done something particularly interesting, because this guy has been coming back on the nights I work, sitting at the edge of the bar where he can see my section, and trying to get me to talk to him.
Okay, fine... he wants me to go out with him. So I talk to him a little while, and he has nothing particularly interesting to say. He has a foggy sense of humor and I don't think he's got much of a brain. But I gave him a chance.
He asked me to go biking with him, have lunch with him, hang out... I backed out of everything he offered. He sat in my section and ordered dinner from me, and overtipped me. He emailed me a poem about the Jughandle. It was pretty crappy.
So he's still coming into the restaurant. I don't know how to get rid of him. I've tried to be nice so far, but I'm tired of it. He's getting creepy, watching me from his little barstool...
The crazy thing is, I don't see what he's after. What do I possibly have that he wants? There are better looking girls at the restaurant, and definitely friendlier girls. I've had people get crushes on me before, but this is weird.
Well, he stopped coming to the restaurant for a while and I was relieved he was gone. Until yesterday. Joanna came into the kitchen and told me that "Band-Aid Face" was at the bar and wanted me to come wish him a happy birthday. I told her to tell him he never wished me a Happy Birthday, so why should I?
I got pretty busy and by the time I got a chance to stop and rest, he was gone. Good. I hope he doesn't come back.
Dull people suck.
btw, that dream about the teeth! ewwww.... now Goob is gonna have nightmares, too!
Edit: included quote from my entry in April
[Edited on Nov 11, 2004 1:04PM]
I might just dye it because I need a change. I'm in such bad shape right now. With my grandmother being sick and work being so busy and the holidays quickly approaching...I have no money to do any of the things I need to do but it always feels like I'm at work...
I can't handle being at work anymore with all of this other stuff going on in my life.
I'm sure they make horror pirate goth porn...they have too.
They cater to every fetish they have to have some kind of porn like that out there.
The porn I have I wouldn't recommend. I also have the same problem with beefcakes. I have no interest in oodles of muscle. Give me a good looking guy with a mohawk...
oh holy shit would that ever rule.