Hanging around the house. Greg and i just got back from the Incredibles (which was really fun). Now i am listening to medieval baebes because i might be singing a song of theirs at my friend Elizabeth's parent's medieval feast. I have a bunch of candles lit and a mike's lemonade on the coaster next to me and feel relatively chill and actually better than i have in over a week. sigh.
Laura is coming over recorder in hand soon. Meanwhile.....i regale you with my relatively benign and boring 3.544387625 cents for today.............
I took Greg to the incredibles this evening with the gift certificates i got from the Halloween costume contest at Partics. Woohoo, craftiness pays off! Anyway, Pixar rocks. The movie was really fun! Not only a good story but i realised after the movie how that the CG is SO GOOD that i didn't notice anything weird about it this time. I am a fan of the old skool such as the Labyrinth and Dark Crystal and othe movies which use puppets, miniatures and stop motion, also animation if you are not talking about some of the Disney fare which is pure shizzit. Anyway, the CG is getting so good, that even the hair didn't bother me at all, which i know is one of the hardest things to do, and they did it really awesomely well!!! The sort of storyline is hilarious too, like this 50's-60's era again superhero crowd, and the style of the movie is semi-spoofy and even James Bondian. I think thanks to Pixar CG is really coming in to its own as a medium of filmaking....i will be excited to see what they come up with after their contract with Disney ends....that really frees up what they can make a lot!
So the singing.....i am not a super good singer, but i have a voice. I have been kind of wanting to practice singing some more so this Medieval feast might be just the motivation i need. Elizabeth's parents have been doing this for like 5 years (or at least that is as many feasts as i have been to). Eveyrone dresses up, they make an attempt at medieval cuisine, there is music, sometimes dancing, and sillyness. I have never helped out, so it would be fiun to help the tone this year. I do not speak any other languages (with the exceptions of some dutch and some very very beginning college 1 German) so i feel like it is going to be hard to memorise the song.....there are three to choose from, one latin, one old english, and the other some sort of old frech. I don't know what they mean but i think they are religious songs. Oh well.....they sound so beautiful. We'll see.......Laura was supposed to show up half an hour ago to help me decide and hang out and drink but maybe she is too tired. Who knows......my friends and I have all become quite the flakes.....
Well i don't know not too much else to say.......
take care amd g'night

I took Greg to the incredibles this evening with the gift certificates i got from the Halloween costume contest at Partics. Woohoo, craftiness pays off! Anyway, Pixar rocks. The movie was really fun! Not only a good story but i realised after the movie how that the CG is SO GOOD that i didn't notice anything weird about it this time. I am a fan of the old skool such as the Labyrinth and Dark Crystal and othe movies which use puppets, miniatures and stop motion, also animation if you are not talking about some of the Disney fare which is pure shizzit. Anyway, the CG is getting so good, that even the hair didn't bother me at all, which i know is one of the hardest things to do, and they did it really awesomely well!!! The sort of storyline is hilarious too, like this 50's-60's era again superhero crowd, and the style of the movie is semi-spoofy and even James Bondian. I think thanks to Pixar CG is really coming in to its own as a medium of filmaking....i will be excited to see what they come up with after their contract with Disney ends....that really frees up what they can make a lot!
So the singing.....i am not a super good singer, but i have a voice. I have been kind of wanting to practice singing some more so this Medieval feast might be just the motivation i need. Elizabeth's parents have been doing this for like 5 years (or at least that is as many feasts as i have been to). Eveyrone dresses up, they make an attempt at medieval cuisine, there is music, sometimes dancing, and sillyness. I have never helped out, so it would be fiun to help the tone this year. I do not speak any other languages (with the exceptions of some dutch and some very very beginning college 1 German) so i feel like it is going to be hard to memorise the song.....there are three to choose from, one latin, one old english, and the other some sort of old frech. I don't know what they mean but i think they are religious songs. Oh well.....they sound so beautiful. We'll see.......Laura was supposed to show up half an hour ago to help me decide and hang out and drink but maybe she is too tired. Who knows......my friends and I have all become quite the flakes.....
Well i don't know not too much else to say.......
take care amd g'night
Hey Leslie...what's been going on? Tell me more about this Neil Gaiman/Dave McKean movie, I haven't heard about it. Is it "Neverwhere" or something else? Cheers!