The rain is here! Thankfully it's brought the temperature down a little. It's a little humid but I can live with that.
It's been a rough week as expected. Pushing myself hard to meet client deadlines. Signed off on a website today only to be surprised by the client then asking for another. That was unexpected, but awesome. She's pretty laid back and easy to get on with. Yay for having money over Christmas (maybe.)
I have another client who I sort of regret taking on. We're somewhat choosy about the jobs we take on and I should have listened to my gut a little more on this one. I'll give him expected milestones of when I expect to have things done by, and without fail he'll be calling me up days ahead of schedule, usually on a Sunday, wanting to know when it's going to be done. Pain in my ass :/
Things at home are pretty exhausting. The 19month old is being weaned of a night, and It's harder than what we went through with his brother. The difference is that this one is co-sleeping, so having the boob so close but not being allowed to have it is making him understandably frustrated. Given that I only normally get about 4-5 hours sleep between when I finish and start work it's really starting to affect me as well. Busy days and broken sleep = me feeling a little sorry for myself LOL.
Back to it. I have an afternoon of remote support booked, some Wordpress training for another client, and I have to try to get another website wrapped up that's been dragging on too long now.
Look at me go. I think I'll go make a cuppa first
It's been a rough week as expected. Pushing myself hard to meet client deadlines. Signed off on a website today only to be surprised by the client then asking for another. That was unexpected, but awesome. She's pretty laid back and easy to get on with. Yay for having money over Christmas (maybe.)
I have another client who I sort of regret taking on. We're somewhat choosy about the jobs we take on and I should have listened to my gut a little more on this one. I'll give him expected milestones of when I expect to have things done by, and without fail he'll be calling me up days ahead of schedule, usually on a Sunday, wanting to know when it's going to be done. Pain in my ass :/
Things at home are pretty exhausting. The 19month old is being weaned of a night, and It's harder than what we went through with his brother. The difference is that this one is co-sleeping, so having the boob so close but not being allowed to have it is making him understandably frustrated. Given that I only normally get about 4-5 hours sleep between when I finish and start work it's really starting to affect me as well. Busy days and broken sleep = me feeling a little sorry for myself LOL.
Back to it. I have an afternoon of remote support booked, some Wordpress training for another client, and I have to try to get another website wrapped up that's been dragging on too long now.
Look at me go. I think I'll go make a cuppa first
I hate traveling and being away from home, the only reason I accepted this offer was becasue I only have to drive half an hour away from my house to perform this show!