Today felt like it dragged its ass through broken glass. That's not saying it was a bad day; it just felt longer than usual.
I've been working like crazy putting the framework in place for a large online art gallery. The client is quite dottery and insisting on being able to do everything himself once the site is up. That's not a problem. I gave...
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I've been working like crazy putting the framework in place for a large online art gallery. The client is quite dottery and insisting on being able to do everything himself once the site is up. That's not a problem. I gave...
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Where did those last five days go? No, seriously.
This week consisted of workworkworkworkworkworkwork. That's not a complaint. I'll take busy over the alternative any day. I used to think the greay in my beard was stress related. Now I think it's just me getting old
Time flies when you forget to stop and take a look every once in a while. Sorry, Ferris. I'm...
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This week consisted of workworkworkworkworkworkwork. That's not a complaint. I'll take busy over the alternative any day. I used to think the greay in my beard was stress related. Now I think it's just me getting old

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Enjoy your weekend 

I can't remember the last time I had a PopTart.
I hate this time of year. It's so hard for me to get into the whole Christmas spirit when all I do is stress (internally) about money. We typically go through 2 months of having no income over Dec-Jan. People just don't want web sites or I.T. work done during this time. Our landlord just increased our rent to $1650 per month, and energy costs...
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Not far from a nervous breakdwon..but I'm fighting hard and I do intend to win. I hope your days are ok, take care
haha, yeah, im no mary-fucking-sunshine
thanks for the comment.
This time of year is all kinds of crazy.
ps. I love that you like Dr Pepper. it's my fav!
my friend got me Dr Pepper jellybeans and
Dr Pepper iceblocks for my birthday.
Have you tried the cherry Dr Pepper? SO YUM!

thanks for the comment.
This time of year is all kinds of crazy.
ps. I love that you like Dr Pepper. it's my fav!
my friend got me Dr Pepper jellybeans and
Dr Pepper iceblocks for my birthday.
Have you tried the cherry Dr Pepper? SO YUM!
Tough choices, today, are swarming like bees. Fucking bees.
im deathly allergic to bees... no bueno
Where did the last week go? I only had two major projects that I was working on last week. I managed to finish off one of them thankfully, so now the fun begins trying to extract money from their tightly clenched fists. The second project is bugging me a bit. I took it on because I knew we'd need the money. Since then, this client...
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Today is not running how I'd like it to, so far.
I woke up horny this morning. Not your average "guy waking up with a boner, duh" expected sort of horny. No, this was one of those "OMG could I be any harder" arrangements with a complete chemical flood to back it up. Normally that wouldn't have been a problem, but with two kids climbing...
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I woke up horny this morning. Not your average "guy waking up with a boner, duh" expected sort of horny. No, this was one of those "OMG could I be any harder" arrangements with a complete chemical flood to back it up. Normally that wouldn't have been a problem, but with two kids climbing...
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Hey, thank you for your great words: I fully agree with you. "Learn from the lessons, but don't give up on trust. Life without trust would be a horrible thing indeed." Yes, i totally feel life this way. And yes this day was amazing cos I really did find some strength in the new friendships I made through this all. This community is a real one. And I happy and proud to be part of it. Thank you thousand times mate. Take great care, xoxo
Oh, man. I don't know which deity I pissed off but my neck is royally jacked up today. Not a fun scenario when you need to turn your neck as much as I do through the day. Time to start throwing down handfuls of Advil like it were candy, and have a nice cup of tea.
The rain is here! Thankfully it's brought the temperature down a little. It's a little humid but I can live with that.
It's been a rough week as expected. Pushing myself hard to meet client deadlines. Signed off on a website today only to be surprised by the client then asking for another. That was unexpected, but awesome. She's pretty laid back and easy to...
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It's been a rough week as expected. Pushing myself hard to meet client deadlines. Signed off on a website today only to be surprised by the client then asking for another. That was unexpected, but awesome. She's pretty laid back and easy to...
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Haha, nah, I doubt that will be happening
I hate traveling and being away from home, the only reason I accepted this offer was becasue I only have to drive half an hour away from my house to perform this show!

I hate traveling and being away from home, the only reason I accepted this offer was becasue I only have to drive half an hour away from my house to perform this show!
Another busy week planned. It's already 27.6 degrees Celsius in my office and it's not even 10:00am yet. That's 81.7 degrees for all of you who prefer their measurements in Fahrenheit. I foresee a rough day ahead.
Where's the week gone?
I'm having trouble with time management this week. I'm a little worried of bitten off more than I can chew as well. I have two new sites that need to be up in the next 10 days, another that is in urgent need of a substantial update, a fourth that needs to be completed and closed in the next seven days,...
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I'm having trouble with time management this week. I'm a little worried of bitten off more than I can chew as well. I have two new sites that need to be up in the next 10 days, another that is in urgent need of a substantial update, a fourth that needs to be completed and closed in the next seven days,...
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The weekend is over and a new week begins. This crazy weather continues to play havoc with both our routines and our plans. It was so cold the other night that it was all the wife and I could do to snuggle close enough to each other trying to get warm. The following night we were naked with the covers off. Crazy. The days aren't...
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What a week it's been since my last update.
The good:
The eldest boy has been doing better. He's showing some real improvements towards his brother. The biting seems to have stopped - touch wood. Screw that, ima do a full naked body rub against a big ol' tree somewhere
Work is busy. I've had too much work as usual, but it helps me stay...
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The good:
The eldest boy has been doing better. He's showing some real improvements towards his brother. The biting seems to have stopped - touch wood. Screw that, ima do a full naked body rub against a big ol' tree somewhere

Work is busy. I've had too much work as usual, but it helps me stay...
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It's expensive (and sometimes hard to find) here
in New Zealand too. but so good
Sorry for the late reply, i've been super fucking busy
with work, and xmas plans, and all that jazz.
i've recently had a promotion, so i've been all over
the show! my feet hurt. i need to chill, haha.
Hope you're good <3