As a gift, he bought me a MacBook when I got my MBA. I didn't ask for it he got it for me. During his tirade earlier this week, he brought up the fact that he bought me the Mac- insinuating that I asked him to buy it for me. I am giving it back. Who needs that bullshit?! I took it to the Apple Store tonight and had it erased so I can give it back. I don't want that hanging over my head. What I really want to do is break it into a million pieces and give it back, but I won't. I just want him out of my life.
I feel so bad for my Mom. Her and my Dad are done too and it's breaking her heart.


Thank you. It will be OK eventually. Just sucks because it all went down on my Dad's birthday earlier this week. He is a piece of shit and I will be better off with him out of my life.

ugh, I am so sorry huggles