Hey there folks in SG Land...
Time for an update.
Best friend is still recovering from the accident. Thanks for all the well wishes.
I got my first Master's class moved to the end of the month; so the money situation is looking better.
My stupid ass car was in the shop again. So now, 2 months and $6000 later, it's like a brand new car. Ha I wish. The sucky part is that I had to borrow the money from my folks to pay for the repairs. I wish I didn't have to drive so much for work....
That said...
Work is still sucky. But I have had 2 interviews for this job that is like 10 minutes from my house; will ultimately pay me more and remove me from the idiots I currently deal with. I am now waiting for a call back. So I am hoping that the Universe sees it as a good fit for me and I get it. Cross your fingers for me please.
I am still single and I am loving it. Telling people that I am celibate gets alot of funny looks. For some reason, self-imposed celibacy is not normal??? Ah well, when I decide that my reprieve is over, goddess help the man who is lucky enough to be there.
Hope y'all are well.
Time for an update.
Best friend is still recovering from the accident. Thanks for all the well wishes.
I got my first Master's class moved to the end of the month; so the money situation is looking better.
My stupid ass car was in the shop again. So now, 2 months and $6000 later, it's like a brand new car. Ha I wish. The sucky part is that I had to borrow the money from my folks to pay for the repairs. I wish I didn't have to drive so much for work....
That said...
Work is still sucky. But I have had 2 interviews for this job that is like 10 minutes from my house; will ultimately pay me more and remove me from the idiots I currently deal with. I am now waiting for a call back. So I am hoping that the Universe sees it as a good fit for me and I get it. Cross your fingers for me please.

I am still single and I am loving it. Telling people that I am celibate gets alot of funny looks. For some reason, self-imposed celibacy is not normal??? Ah well, when I decide that my reprieve is over, goddess help the man who is lucky enough to be there.

Hope y'all are well.
good luck with the job honey.. save up and come get me

Ha! I knew you could land that job!!!!!! I've got my fingers crossed for you!