off to school i go when its not even noon yet
i dont know hOw people manage to maintain 9-5 jobs!
hOw can you get up so early every single day???
how do people make decent money without doing sex work?
thats a mystery to me.
i just did a shift at my restaurant last night to bring in a wOOping $30....
how the fUck am i supposed to pay rent with such a shitty pay???
how do people sustain their lives without easy cash???
mind you, i graduated from a four-year rich white women's college and im still making shitty money without my sex work...
maybe i was supposed to give blow jobs at the restaurant
okay... i need red bull.
lets get this party started!

i dont know hOw people manage to maintain 9-5 jobs!
hOw can you get up so early every single day???

how do people make decent money without doing sex work?
thats a mystery to me.
i just did a shift at my restaurant last night to bring in a wOOping $30....
how the fUck am i supposed to pay rent with such a shitty pay???
how do people sustain their lives without easy cash???

mind you, i graduated from a four-year rich white women's college and im still making shitty money without my sex work...
maybe i was supposed to give blow jobs at the restaurant

okay... i need red bull.
lets get this party started!

I'm celebrating my graduation to 9-5 from 7-3. I was a fucking Zombie for a year and a half (you might have noticed).
No one makes decent money without fucking someone over. Some jobs are just more literal than others.