yo. wow... is it already monday??
time flew yo.
been hanging with a guy all weekend.
gotta get up early or stay awake
coz me and my man have to visit planned parenthood and get emergency contraception
he asked where he can come/cum and i was sO spaced out (and stoned) i was like "anywhere"
and of course he comes in my pussy
i apologize for my vague language but i jUst told him the night before that i am not on the pill yet and was gonna go on it from the next cycle
whateva. its cool that he insists that he wants to come with me to the health care center. my friend said hes a keeper
coz hes very good to me. it was cute. he was like "do you want me to wear a shirt and a tie or just my street clothes?"
im stoned...
its all good. i gotta get a dealer though
can't trust these dealers in my hood. wAAAy too many undercover cops around here. reckless
anyone know any good ones in manhattan?
saw three roaches within half and hour. i get a strong urge to clean when im stoned. and so ive been sweeping and decorating my apt. and of course the roaches don't expect me to open closet doors or anything at 5 in the morning
gotta get somebody to pick up the corpses. can't touch bugs to save my liFe
time flew yo.

been hanging with a guy all weekend.

gotta get up early or stay awake

he asked where he can come/cum and i was sO spaced out (and stoned) i was like "anywhere"
and of course he comes in my pussy

i apologize for my vague language but i jUst told him the night before that i am not on the pill yet and was gonna go on it from the next cycle

whateva. its cool that he insists that he wants to come with me to the health care center. my friend said hes a keeper

im stoned...

saw three roaches within half and hour. i get a strong urge to clean when im stoned. and so ive been sweeping and decorating my apt. and of course the roaches don't expect me to open closet doors or anything at 5 in the morning