tried to go to the african street festival in brooklyn with my friend. figured out it was wAYYY too far for our lazy asses to go.
chilled for a bit sipping on some wine. then headed to a party and sipped some beer. then went to another party at greenpoint and sipped on some mOre beer. watched the macy's fireworks from their roof. that was awesome though we missed most of it coz we were fashionable late... then went to a hampshire party in williamsburg. i think we missed the peek coz it wasnt too much fun. so just left early.
OHMIGAWD. i can fEEl the fat i gained from all the beer around my belly. sO not cOOl. i just have sUch a hard time losing weight.
we were supposed to get hard liquor but none of the liquor stores were open so we just got a shit load of beer.... GOD DAMN.... my belly will be sticking out of my leotard and tights tomorrow. how embarrassing....
so i am back in my bed in harlem. actuallly glad to hear all the chattering on the street right outside of my window. black folks going about their business in a rowdy manner so the whole world can hear. i was starting to get annoyed when i was in williamsburg. no beautiful black boyz to drool over.
chilled for a bit sipping on some wine. then headed to a party and sipped some beer. then went to another party at greenpoint and sipped on some mOre beer. watched the macy's fireworks from their roof. that was awesome though we missed most of it coz we were fashionable late... then went to a hampshire party in williamsburg. i think we missed the peek coz it wasnt too much fun. so just left early.
OHMIGAWD. i can fEEl the fat i gained from all the beer around my belly. sO not cOOl. i just have sUch a hard time losing weight.

so i am back in my bed in harlem. actuallly glad to hear all the chattering on the street right outside of my window. black folks going about their business in a rowdy manner so the whole world can hear. i was starting to get annoyed when i was in williamsburg. no beautiful black boyz to drool over.

[Edited on Jul 05, 2005 9:10AM]
I bet the little bit of the Macy's fireworks were better than all of Amherst's.