huge whirlind of peeps coming in going out of my crib.
lets see whos good enough to keep.
so my dance school started this week.
sO fUcking sore
these peeps dont play
if they ask for a double turn, you bEtter do a pErfect triple and nAil it!
sO intense.
sO good for my career
im just all busy all the time now.
i cant believe i havent had a redbull yet and my attempt to quit smoking isnt going very well
so harddddd
might go see a dance performance tonight.
what i really need is a job though.
i just quit my erotic job.
for many reasonZZZ. but im still tempted so i got keep my head clear for awhile....
jobless in nyc is scaRRRRyyyy
gonna take a nap first.
sO exhausted....
lets see whos good enough to keep.

so my dance school started this week.
sO fUcking sore

these peeps dont play
if they ask for a double turn, you bEtter do a pErfect triple and nAil it!

sO intense.
sO good for my career

im just all busy all the time now.
i cant believe i havent had a redbull yet and my attempt to quit smoking isnt going very well

so harddddd

might go see a dance performance tonight.
what i really need is a job though.
i just quit my erotic job.
for many reasonZZZ. but im still tempted so i got keep my head clear for awhile....
jobless in nyc is scaRRRRyyyy

gonna take a nap first.
sO exhausted....

stay off the juice, redbull is no good for ya, well neither is smoking, but one thing at a time right

speed is definitely not good for you for long stretches. everything is fun in moderation, just dont get caught up in some bullshit habit or addiction.