one of the most annoying things...
when a man doesnt know when to bAck OFF
some peeps are just off yo.
for real...
its amazing
but extremely annoying when the target is yOu.
these psychos need to get it into their heads that it gives me absolutely nO pleasure in being notifyed several times a week about their sorrows of me not responding to them.
its like, well. get the fUcking point...
i was about to lost my temper once and wrote him to back off. plain and simle. mothafucker still didnt get it.... ugh...
on another note,
i went to take my friend's hip hop class today*
it was very fun.
im a classically trained dancer so ive only taken a little bit of hip hop, but it was really fUn.
i got to dance for myself and i enjoyed it
see* i love to dance. it makes me happy
hee hee
and on the way out, a group of us were walking down the street when i heard a girl call out my name.
and i saw a bunch of black people gathered on the sidewalk.
who turned out to be my prof's entire family.
all 6 of them.
i love them.
and my prof saw me too and was like 'heyyyyy whats up giRl'
and thEn she knew the guy i was with and greeted him like an old friend
it turns out they went to the same african dance school back in the days and he knew her entire family too.
wow.... wierd....
i dunno. it was awkard.
i got caught red-handed by my prof with my boy. so wierd. she was all grinning at me and shit though.
when a man doesnt know when to bAck OFF

some peeps are just off yo.
for real...
its amazing

but extremely annoying when the target is yOu.

these psychos need to get it into their heads that it gives me absolutely nO pleasure in being notifyed several times a week about their sorrows of me not responding to them.
its like, well. get the fUcking point...

i was about to lost my temper once and wrote him to back off. plain and simle. mothafucker still didnt get it.... ugh...

on another note,

i went to take my friend's hip hop class today*
it was very fun.
im a classically trained dancer so ive only taken a little bit of hip hop, but it was really fUn.
i got to dance for myself and i enjoyed it
see* i love to dance. it makes me happy

hee hee

and on the way out, a group of us were walking down the street when i heard a girl call out my name.
and i saw a bunch of black people gathered on the sidewalk.
who turned out to be my prof's entire family.

i love them.

and thEn she knew the guy i was with and greeted him like an old friend

it turns out they went to the same african dance school back in the days and he knew her entire family too.
wow.... wierd....
i dunno. it was awkard.
i got caught red-handed by my prof with my boy. so wierd. she was all grinning at me and shit though.