whats good peeps?
i just made a hundred bucks i guess.
he had a ass-slapping fetish. def a dom.
so i let him do his thing.
cheep ass bitch didnt even tip me!
where the fuck is my next customer at??!!!
so i just moved to harlem.
peeps say its not a very safe neighborhood.
you know... dealers everywhere 24/7 and shit.
and i just got called an oriental by a neighboor so....
i can't believe how ignorant some peeps can be.
its like, can you at lEast call me asian????
you dont even have to acknowledge im east asian.
but oriental???? dAmn bitch. you need to go take some classes on culture outside of you little tightly closed network, sister....
yea. we're moving into your hood.
im sorry but i need a place to stay too...
so sad.
i just wrote a poem yesterday.
i just picked up a cUte cat (brother) off the street.
and yea... i guess i was being played....
but he was hOt
i wrote about how these cats are all playas and they dont play.
theyre dAmn serious when they play their slick, nasty, dick-driven games.
them greedy mothafuckas.
playing with us for our pussys.
i hate them mothafuckas.
ive learned my lesson and ill be smart.
i'll be an ill playa too.
get my warrior suit on and shit
mentally and physically.
them greedy mothafuckas cant mess with me no more.
im my own pimp.
i dont need them.
well... except for their dick-driven wallets.
well, peace out peeps.
my battery is running out.
whats good peeps?

i just made a hundred bucks i guess.
he had a ass-slapping fetish. def a dom.
so i let him do his thing.
cheep ass bitch didnt even tip me!
where the fuck is my next customer at??!!!

so i just moved to harlem.
peeps say its not a very safe neighborhood.
you know... dealers everywhere 24/7 and shit.
and i just got called an oriental by a neighboor so....

i can't believe how ignorant some peeps can be.
its like, can you at lEast call me asian????

you dont even have to acknowledge im east asian.
but oriental???? dAmn bitch. you need to go take some classes on culture outside of you little tightly closed network, sister....
yea. we're moving into your hood.
im sorry but i need a place to stay too...
so sad.
i just wrote a poem yesterday.
i just picked up a cUte cat (brother) off the street.
and yea... i guess i was being played....
but he was hOt

i wrote about how these cats are all playas and they dont play.
theyre dAmn serious when they play their slick, nasty, dick-driven games.
them greedy mothafuckas.
playing with us for our pussys.
i hate them mothafuckas.

ive learned my lesson and ill be smart.
i'll be an ill playa too.
get my warrior suit on and shit
mentally and physically.
them greedy mothafuckas cant mess with me no more.
im my own pimp.
i dont need them.
well... except for their dick-driven wallets.

well, peace out peeps.
my battery is running out.

damn. that's all I can say. damn.