what a crazy weekend
went down to the city to look for apts on friday.
chilled with my peeps when it was too late to call landlords anymore.
just got back to noho a couple of hours ago. to finish packing.
and then i will be gOne for good in less than 24 hours
my shit will be in storage until whenever i can find a decent place to live..
anywhO, one thing i have noticed...
i seem to have this thing with capricorns.....
like if you put a scorpio and a capricorn in the same room together, there will be intense vibes going on that naturally brings them together....
veRy intense energy.....
but i love capricorns coz i feel they are the ones who can really keep scorpios in check.
and im a rough scorpio who loves to wrestle
let there be more boy capricorns in my life!!!!

went down to the city to look for apts on friday.
chilled with my peeps when it was too late to call landlords anymore.

just got back to noho a couple of hours ago. to finish packing.
and then i will be gOne for good in less than 24 hours

my shit will be in storage until whenever i can find a decent place to live..

anywhO, one thing i have noticed...
i seem to have this thing with capricorns.....

like if you put a scorpio and a capricorn in the same room together, there will be intense vibes going on that naturally brings them together....

veRy intense energy.....
but i love capricorns coz i feel they are the ones who can really keep scorpios in check.
and im a rough scorpio who loves to wrestle

let there be more boy capricorns in my life!!!!

hope you find a home soon...