i am making a video about "exotic" asian bodies for my senior project in dAnce*
i want to hear YOUR voices in regards to asians/asian americans/ americans/ japanese americans/ or whateVER you identify yourself as.
i want to hear YOUR opinions, questions, concerns, comments in regards to those groups of people mentioned above on my VOICE MAIL.
they can be serious, crazy, whatever. oh, but please no mumbling....
this is your chance to be HEARD.
so please take the time out of your text books and support this project.
btw, i consider myself japanese american though the gov considers me japanese...
anywhO, PLEASE take a moment to voice out on my cell 413-320-1001.
i am making a video about "exotic" asian bodies for my senior project in dAnce*
i want to hear YOUR voices in regards to asians/asian americans/ americans/ japanese americans/ or whateVER you identify yourself as.
i want to hear YOUR opinions, questions, concerns, comments in regards to those groups of people mentioned above on my VOICE MAIL.
they can be serious, crazy, whatever. oh, but please no mumbling....
this is your chance to be HEARD.
so please take the time out of your text books and support this project.
btw, i consider myself japanese american though the gov considers me japanese...
anywhO, PLEASE take a moment to voice out on my cell 413-320-1001.
its also important to know your roots coz it inevitably effects how other people place you in their heads. even if they re not trying to be racist. it happens.
like this girl just came up to me and was like "can you teach me how to make sushi?" i love her, btw. shes gonna become my set designer when i start presenting dance works in the city.
but you get my point...
you don't have to be asian to leave a message!!!!!! so please please please leave a message. lol. even if youre not asian. the topic is asian but anybody can TALK about asians. just ask those questions or comments you never dared ask for what ever reason and you will be heard!
and thank you everybody who have already left messages.