arggg... stupid class
i was chilling with my man this morning but had to rush out the apt coz i had class. and the class only met for 15 mins to do noThing. and its supposed to be a 2 hour class.
hate that shit... when you give up something precious for something thats not worth it....
well... i guess i should make this my "work time".
you know, try to be a good student for once...
hEllz nO! fUck school. hee hEE. i dont wanna be a good student... fUck thAt shit.
colllege is nothing but an institution to brainwash youth so greedy adults can manipulate them more easily. hAAhAAA to control the woRld!!!
fUck. i wanted to write sOmething significant here but i forgot. i just took a huge hit... wOOOO...
enough of this complaing bullshit.
so, ive recently discovered the wonders of red bull
i am living off red bull at the moment. and nutrition bars.
(yes, i know. skip the lecture. but thank you. muAh
but i had multiple espressso shots and a couple of cans of red bulls last night! yO i was hYpeR
i cleAned my apt. took out garbage (it took 3 trips to the dumpster. lol ), washed the dishes, cleaned up some junk, and all that good stuff. i even sewed my costume coz i ripped it. (by accident!!!!) and i was still hyper so i went to 7-11 on state street and got 4 4-packs of red bulls! hAA hAA hAAAAAAAA!
there was also this hUge fiasco before all that happened too.
so i had to rUn out of my apt and spRINT all the way to theatre last night coz i was of course late for dress rehearsal. i got occupied at the last sec...
and so, i didnt take my keys coz my man was gonna stay while i was out rehearsing in the theatre. and i told him ill be back by 8. and of coUrse, i get back around 840 and call him coz the door was locked. in a nut shell, i was freAking out for a couple of hours coz i was locked out of my apt building
i called him a thousand times, went to check that his car was still in the parking lot, went into my backalley and yelled his name... long night....
i finally got in after i buzzed most of my neighbors apts'. (sorry peops)... only to discover my guy totally passed out coz he had too much to drink.
but yea. red bull wOrks. the only reason why im sleepy right now is coz i just took a hit out of my bong....
ahhhh..... what am i doing today?????
oh. its opening night of the smith senior dance conert, y'all!!!
let's hope akanwe doesn't fUck up my friend's choreography for once...
its okay. im much better under pressure* laZy japanese bitch. lol.
ive noticed that my people have given me a new nickname: "japanese bitches". i keep telling them that im not plural but they just will not listen...siGh.. grown ups... they never liSten....
love you

i was chilling with my man this morning but had to rush out the apt coz i had class. and the class only met for 15 mins to do noThing. and its supposed to be a 2 hour class.
hate that shit... when you give up something precious for something thats not worth it....
well... i guess i should make this my "work time".

hEllz nO! fUck school. hee hEE. i dont wanna be a good student... fUck thAt shit.

fUck. i wanted to write sOmething significant here but i forgot. i just took a huge hit... wOOOO...

so, ive recently discovered the wonders of red bull

i am living off red bull at the moment. and nutrition bars.
(yes, i know. skip the lecture. but thank you. muAh

but i had multiple espressso shots and a couple of cans of red bulls last night! yO i was hYpeR

there was also this hUge fiasco before all that happened too.

i called him a thousand times, went to check that his car was still in the parking lot, went into my backalley and yelled his name... long night....
i finally got in after i buzzed most of my neighbors apts'. (sorry peops)... only to discover my guy totally passed out coz he had too much to drink.

but yea. red bull wOrks. the only reason why im sleepy right now is coz i just took a hit out of my bong....

ahhhh..... what am i doing today?????
oh. its opening night of the smith senior dance conert, y'all!!!

ive noticed that my people have given me a new nickname: "japanese bitches". i keep telling them that im not plural but they just will not listen...siGh.. grown ups... they never liSten....

love you

Oh...catching up. My friend is a fellow artist...ya know...creative person. She has a ton of respect for my talent and vision. She helped me put together a very nice digital portfolio of my design/build work. It's a website on a cd. I also support and respect her talent. She's an awesome photographer.
We fooled around a long time ago, we slept together far I guess.
[Edited on Apr 14, 2005 1:05PM]