so hOurs in the theatre punching in light cues, in pitch-blackness, racing with the clock that keeps ticking its way towards sunrise.....
and a choreographer just decides to tell me tonight at light call that her piece is completely different from the one in the video tape that was handed to me...
so fUcking lame.
hOurs writing cues gone to waste coz i was creating lights for a piece that does not exist anymore. and of cOurse i have to go back into the theatre tomorrow to make new cues...
wtf... sO pissed... i have another rehearsal at the same time....
on a lighter note,
, i opened my fridge one morning to find a shit load of stuff that i did not recognize. thats what i get for going grocery shopping past 1am totally high.
good times.
i wish you were here.... i want to cuddle right about now... but i guess i will find comfort in mr. green herb for now. does wonders.
so hOurs in the theatre punching in light cues, in pitch-blackness, racing with the clock that keeps ticking its way towards sunrise.....
and a choreographer just decides to tell me tonight at light call that her piece is completely different from the one in the video tape that was handed to me...

hOurs writing cues gone to waste coz i was creating lights for a piece that does not exist anymore. and of cOurse i have to go back into the theatre tomorrow to make new cues...

on a lighter note,

i wish you were here.... i want to cuddle right about now... but i guess i will find comfort in mr. green herb for now. does wonders.

[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 11:37PM]