my new best friend mz. green herb is doing wonders to my life. i am sO fucking productive when i am intoxicated, you wouldnt beliEve!
ive been sO productive that I have been cleaning my apt nonstop. it went from being a pig stock to a clean chill apt. now. im motivated to buy some nice furniture. hope i can go to the store tomorrow with impetus
oh. and ive been so focused under the influence that ive been doing over 100 crunches whenever i get high everyday. this shit mUst be healthy. must build that 6 pack for my dance auditions... ohmigawd, y'all. i have to start going to dance auditions in nyc! sO nervous and yet so excited. a beginning of a whole new life! i can finally live in a city again. can't WAIT!
did i tell y'all that i got a new haircut?!
i got my first fohawk.
i love it.
its like on a asymetrical diagnol.
and my hair naturally sticks up so i don't have to do much to keep it up. i always use hairproducts to get my hair to lie down. i swear black people and asian people are related. the way our hair just grows straight out of our scalp ignoring gravity...
i wish i had an afro. but i think my head is too big and im short... sigh.
you know i wrote a paper in my race matters class about whether east asians are "white" or "black." and i think my conclusion was that east asians are the invisible minority in the states that is almost like a chamelion. we can be associated as smart business orientals with white upperclass. but we can also be associated to ghettos when some 1st generation asian americans had their citizenships taken away from them by the us gov. so some projects had both black and east asian families. but what do you think? are east asians considered white or black?
p.s. i am only choosing to categorize east asians into either white or black because i feel that is how this country is constructed. i feel .... okay. if you have a problem with that question, than skip to the next question. are east asians white? there. you don't have to associate us with anybody else.
sigh... why is everything so complicated. why can't we just live our life to its fullest without trying to discredit other people. whats the benefit to that?

oh. and ive been so focused under the influence that ive been doing over 100 crunches whenever i get high everyday. this shit mUst be healthy. must build that 6 pack for my dance auditions... ohmigawd, y'all. i have to start going to dance auditions in nyc! sO nervous and yet so excited. a beginning of a whole new life! i can finally live in a city again. can't WAIT!
did i tell y'all that i got a new haircut?!
i got my first fohawk.
i love it.
its like on a asymetrical diagnol.
and my hair naturally sticks up so i don't have to do much to keep it up. i always use hairproducts to get my hair to lie down. i swear black people and asian people are related. the way our hair just grows straight out of our scalp ignoring gravity...

you know i wrote a paper in my race matters class about whether east asians are "white" or "black." and i think my conclusion was that east asians are the invisible minority in the states that is almost like a chamelion. we can be associated as smart business orientals with white upperclass. but we can also be associated to ghettos when some 1st generation asian americans had their citizenships taken away from them by the us gov. so some projects had both black and east asian families. but what do you think? are east asians considered white or black?
p.s. i am only choosing to categorize east asians into either white or black because i feel that is how this country is constructed. i feel .... okay. if you have a problem with that question, than skip to the next question. are east asians white? there. you don't have to associate us with anybody else.
sigh... why is everything so complicated. why can't we just live our life to its fullest without trying to discredit other people. whats the benefit to that?

At least we are not far from a truly Global World, one where people are not judged by their eye, hair or skin color, but genuinely on their merits or contributions.
I used to spend a considerable amount of time in the City. My girlfriend was a dancer and had many gigs from the Rockettes to Cannes to eventually Vegas Showgirl before she retired. (She also danced in Tokyo) You got the right idea, they are tremendously Catty and critical. Keep smoking your friend. You should be in the best possible shape when you go there.