whats up in SG land?
had lots of time to think about whats really important in life.
and if whether love really exists or if we are all full of crap trying to live a lie. love is crap. but i feel im getting some right now from people who really care. damn. they keep on pulling me out of my dark hole. inviting me to live in the sunlight. showing me that life is worth living.
anywhO, im back.
i am back from the world of white walls, white furniture, with docs and nurses all over the place. no fucking privacy.
but i guess i wasn't allowed any privacy.
the hospital staff frisked me FOUR times in 3 hours because they were afraid i had something dangerous. paranoid?
i am back from having to swallow different colored pills around the clock to be stable.
sO. im back in my little world in northampton again.
lots of lOve. whatever that means...
no. im learning what love is. so hold on a sec.
whats up in SG land?
had lots of time to think about whats really important in life.
and if whether love really exists or if we are all full of crap trying to live a lie. love is crap. but i feel im getting some right now from people who really care. damn. they keep on pulling me out of my dark hole. inviting me to live in the sunlight. showing me that life is worth living.
anywhO, im back.
i am back from the world of white walls, white furniture, with docs and nurses all over the place. no fucking privacy.
but i guess i wasn't allowed any privacy.
the hospital staff frisked me FOUR times in 3 hours because they were afraid i had something dangerous. paranoid?
i am back from having to swallow different colored pills around the clock to be stable.
sO. im back in my little world in northampton again.
lots of lOve. whatever that means...

no. im learning what love is. so hold on a sec.

My answers are posted in there too. So, tell me something random about yourself...
Here's one from me: I'm a pretty good cook.
i love my nipple piercings. lol.