shit can be so unfare.
i hate uptight narrow-minded people. fUck you.
i worked my aSS off just to get thrown out of a piece coz i can't make it to ONE rehearsal? one goddamn rehearsal that was scheduled without the dancers consent?
this is why i have issues with first years. they think everything has to be perfect. so they tell people to do unreasonable shit. they don't understand that shit can be sorted out by dEals. nothing is black and white. gAwd.
addictions. we create addictions so we don't have to face reality. because we believe that we cannot face shit if we are truly conscious. if we are truly sober. works for me. mUst get more substances.
i hate uptight narrow-minded people. fUck you.
i worked my aSS off just to get thrown out of a piece coz i can't make it to ONE rehearsal? one goddamn rehearsal that was scheduled without the dancers consent?
this is why i have issues with first years. they think everything has to be perfect. so they tell people to do unreasonable shit. they don't understand that shit can be sorted out by dEals. nothing is black and white. gAwd.
addictions. we create addictions so we don't have to face reality. because we believe that we cannot face shit if we are truly conscious. if we are truly sober. works for me. mUst get more substances.