wow... i havent been on here for awhile... my computers dead so i dont have access to the internet...
but i hope to earn enough cash soon to go visit the apple store so just hold tight kids
in the mean time, just a quick update of my boring life...
i am back at school for its final weeks of the semester, then working their company's shows whenever i am not dancing at school, then trying to entertaining myself in my mice inhabited apt when im chilling. getting calls from my man to cheer me up and keep me going.
just some ordinary, calm days for ya, kids. it is so calm these days, i hope the holidays will just pass by withut me ever noticing. i hate the holidays. makes me depressed....
stupid merry bullshit. yes...i turn into the grinch during holidays and just dissappear for awhile... immature yes, but thats how i get through all the fuzziness that holidays and families bring along.
okay. gotta go cuddle with my man. night y'all.

but i hope to earn enough cash soon to go visit the apple store so just hold tight kids

in the mean time, just a quick update of my boring life...

okay. gotta go cuddle with my man. night y'all.

survive Christmas???
comming to the city this weekend...are you going to be around???