hey yO peeps in SG land!
i got 7 more days to find a new apt to avoid being homeless.
can't deny that im getting nervous....
on a lighter note, i just got some action from my man last night in ... 2 weeks?!
no wOnder my pussy was sO tight. his dick felt sOOOO good.
hee hee.
finAlly finished putting medicine up my pussy. was all ready for some good action
so here is a question for y'all. how long does a couple have to go out or what are some signs to look for to see if a couple is ready to live together? i know it varies but what are your thoughts or experiences on this? im NOT asking this coz of the potential of becoming homeless. im just genuinely curious.
i got 7 more days to find a new apt to avoid being homeless.

on a lighter note, i just got some action from my man last night in ... 2 weeks?!

so here is a question for y'all. how long does a couple have to go out or what are some signs to look for to see if a couple is ready to live together? i know it varies but what are your thoughts or experiences on this? im NOT asking this coz of the potential of becoming homeless. im just genuinely curious.

It all depends on needs, personalities and desire but at least a few months like half a year.